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Draco's POV
She could not be dead. If so then I would have no option but to do same to my aunt. I squeezed Eliza's hand. She doesn't remember me and for all I know she could be dead. A tear rolled down my cheek and onto her forehead. Suddenly her eyes jolt open. She looks at me and sits up, pressing her lips to mine.
"Draco! I remember you now." She says.
"How?" I questioned. She shrugs and smiles before we make our way down to the main hall. All heads turn to us and Harry comes up,
"Draco, what are you doing here?"
"Harry, I'm truly sorry about everything I've ever done. Any chance I can come back and finish the year?" Harry sighed,
"McGonagall took place of Dumbledore so it's up to her, you can speak to her yourself." I nod and head off on my own to McGonagall's office. I step in and take a seat. After a while speaking, she nodded, telling me I could.

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