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I went up to the dorms and sat on my bed during dinner and watched out the window, overview of the quad. Draco sat on the grass with Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and Pansy Parkinson. Luna steps in,
"Hey, Eliza." She sits on the bed beside me, "What's the matter?"
"Draco thinks I like Ron."
"Oh, why?"
"Because I kissed Ron," I said ,"But that was before Draco and I were together." She frowns,
"I can go clear things up if you'd like."
"Thank you, Luna, you're a great friend." I smile and she leaves. Sitting alone, suddenly I hear the door open and the lights gi off. I was frightened and confused for I sat on my bed, unable to see. Suddenly a freezing cold hand clamped over my mouth and my heart raced.
"Hello, filthy little Mudblood." A lady's voice cruelly spoke. I didn't recgonzie the voice. I tried to speak but the words couldn't exit due to her hand. Suddenly a bit of light glows and it appeared to be coming from the tip of a wand. The light was shown near a face, a womans face. She tucked curly black hair out of her face.
"Who are you?"

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