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"Belatrix Lestrange, and I'm going to eliminate all Mudbloods from this precious world." I've concluded that this woman was crazy. I scream,
"Draco, Luna, somebody help me!" She quickly covered my mouth.
"Draco doesn't love you. He could never love an useless Mudblood like you!" Bellatrix wasn't only insane, but a liar. Draco loved me and I wasn't going to believe this. I shook my head but she said nothing. A purple light brightened from the end of the wand after muttering a few words. The light it hit me and pain shot through my body. She muffles my screams and cries with her hand. The purple light strikes again and tears stream down my face. Suddenly I hear a clang of metal and a cool tip to my arm. It digs into my arm in a pattern and I wince, tears kept coming down my face. Eventually she releases me,
"I'll be back for you, Simmons. I won't say when...but I will. To finish you off." The lights flicker back on and she was gone. I look down at my arm and read it out loud,
"Mudblood." Luna enters the room and looks at my arm.
"What did you do?!" She worries.
"I did it." I lied.
Later that day I headed to the Quad and sat down against the brick wall. A tear fell down my face and I heard Draco,
"Eliza?" I look up and he sits beside me. He looks at my wrist.
"Bellatrix." I told him. His eyes widened,
"She aunt." He carefully informed. I look down at my wrist, realizing where he could've gotten the name from. He must've gotten that word from his aunt. He wrapped his arms around me,
"I'm sorry, Eliza."

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