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Draco's POV
A knock hit the common room door and I was unsure of who it could be. I rose from the sofa and carefully opened the door to see an angry Luna Lovegood. Before I could greet her, a hand slid across my face in a burning feeling. I step back,
"What was that for?" She steps closer,
"You hurt my friend, so I'll hurt you." She aimed her wand at me, casting something under her breath that I couldn't make out and I darted to the side as a streak of red light shot from the wand, piercing the floor.
"Well if just maybe the Mudblood didn't like Ron." I blurted, immediately feeling embarrassed. I don't even know if I liked Eliza or not. She was pretty but a Mudblood. She froze and smirked,
"So you like Eliza?" She smiled. I shook my head,
"You mean Mudblood, no." I shook my head.
"Listen, I promise I won't tell her. I can't believe Draco Malfoy likes Eliza Simmons!"She skipped off, forgetting about me beating Eliza up. I decided to head up to the Astronomy tower tonight just to be out of hot and crowded dorms and into the cool lonely night. I reach the the top and stand at the edge, admiring the stars.

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