Thirty Three

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A few weeks passed and it was Christmas day, also the day of the Yule Ball. Cho, Luna, Hermione, Ginny, and I got ready together. I was dressed in a strapless blue dress and grey heels with a black handbag. Hermione straightened my hair and did a waterfall braid before Luna painted my nails black and Cho did my makeup. Ginny told me not to be nervous even this was my first ball. Back at Merlins, we never did this. Some kids threw parties but I only attended two which weren't much. We headed into the ball room and I look around for Draco.
"Miss Simmons." I turn around to see him bow and I giggle, taking his hand. He spins me around and draws me in as we dance around. I never knew I could dance like this for I've never done it before but some how I was doing well. The song ends and we stop, drawing apart and he ushers to the refreshments table and leaves for a second. I go into the bathroom, checking over my appearance. Pansy Parkinson enters looks me over,
"Draco stealer." She mutters.
"What do you mean?"
"Draco was mine third year through the end of fourth. But now he likes Mudblood new girl from merlins." I roll my eyes,
"At meast I fought for Hogwarts, Draco doesn't like you, and my father just happened to be a professor here and was a Ravenclaw. And lastly, it's my third year here so I think you've got it all wrong, Parkinson." She narrows her eyes and fixes her mascara and pink lip gloss before applying a bit more eyeliner and redoing her hair. She turns out of the bathroom with a glare and she was gone. I apply more lip gloss and step out as another song plays. I speed up to Draco, I take his hand and we dance. We near Pansy who dances around with Blaise. I shoot her a quick glare but then look back at Draco,
"You are the most beautiful girl ever." He smiles. I blush,
"I love you, Malfoy." He pecks my lips,
"I love you more, Simmons." I blush once again and once the Yule Ball was over, I headed to the Ravenclaw dorm. All the other girls squeal and I grin, sitting on the edge of the bed. I kick off my shoes and place my bag on the nightstand. I slip on navy blue pajama shorts with white silk which I tie like a shoe and wear a white vneck. I comb out my hair and remove the makeup and jewelry. Draco was a prefect now and I wasn't surprised for he was the only decent Slytherin here now. Luna and a boy by the name of Tyler became the Ravenclaw prefects. Harry and Hermione were the Gryffindor and Hannah Abbott and a boy named Joshua became Hufflepuff prefects. The girl prefect of Slytherin was Pansy. All prefects had their own nice rooms. I sneak out and down the hall, I make it to Dracos suite and knock. He eventually answers, dressed in dark green silk pajama pants and a black tee shirt. I step in and turn to him,
"Mind if I stay the night?" He shakes his head and grins. I sit on the green sofa as he heads toward the bedroom. I put my feet up on the leather and lay down. He stops,
"Well come on." I sit up,
"Really?" He nods, awkwardly grinning. I blush and get up. The bedroom had white walls and dark brown wood flooring. The king sized bed has green covers and the frame was a pretty silver. He crawls onto one side, pulling the blankets over him to hide his face. I grin and crawl in beside him, laying my head on his chest and drifting off under the warmth of the comforter.

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