Chapter 1

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"turn it up!" my friend Ashely said.I did what she wanted and turned up the music. We were currently going on vacation to Florida. We were driving there in my new car I got recently for my birthday. I was going there with my best of friend Ashely and me Carly. We were jamming out to 'we are young ' by fun. "your such amazing singer why can't I have a voice like that!" said Ashely screaming. It was hard to talk when the music was so loud. "thanks, your amazing singer your self!" I screamed back.

I've always loved to sing, I wanted to become a professional singer ever since i was younger.

The song was over and I lowered the music so both of us goes deaf 


"are we almost there" Ashely said while typing on her phone "umm...ya we'll be there in about 20 mins" I said looking in the mirror. "fine" she said crossing her arms and leaning back on the seat.

"cheer up this is going to be the best trip yet!" I said raising my left hand up in the air I was really exited about this trip, even spending 2 weeks with Ashely in a really fancy hotel was going to be awesome.

We finally arrived in Florida. We were staying in this hotel called grand beach hotel. I parked the car at the visitor area, we jumped out and grabbed our luggage that was in my cars trunk. We walked inside, I looked around it was such a beautiful hotel. "WOW this hotel is amazing" Ashely said while walking up to the counter. I followed behind and waited for Ashely to get the keys to our new hotel room. When she finally did we entered the elevator and waited till it was our turn to get off, our hotel room was at the top of the building so we had to wait a long time.

When we finally got off we stepped in. And oh my god! I almost died! It was so big everything was so fancy. There was a crystal chandler hanging from the middle of the room. There was two queen sized, meant that we got our own bed. The walls were painted white there were 2 bathrooms, a huge kitchen. There was even a flat screen tv that almost took up the hole wall.

I walked over to a window i looked out and you could see all of Florida. It was amazing. I put my luggage down and jumped on my bed so that I was laying on my back.

"look they even have a radio" said Ashely while fiddling around with it. She finally got to a channel I think it was kiss 92.5. It was my favorite station.

"Look there talking about our hotel!" I said sitting straight up on the bed.

"speaking of celebrity's, right now at the grand hotel in florida. Witch by the way is so beautiful. If your staying there you might want to go check out the hot new band the-"

Ashely had turned of the radio before the guy could stop talking. "ASHELY!" Turn it back on we want to see who the celebrity it!" i said screaming. I have never meet a celebrity before, this could be my chance. "come one Carly, there just saying that so more people could come to this hotel. Don't believe everything you here"

I jumped off the bed a clicked on the on button on the radio to see if they were still taking about the mystery band. But to my luck they had hadn't and they were playing 

'trouble maker' instead. I was so disappointed.

"Ughh" I said and jumped on the bed "cheer up Carly maybe we can go see them in concert if there playing" Ashely said while getting her babying suit and towel "where are you going?" I asked "where do you think we're going to the beach!" Ashely said while heading out the door. I grabbed my towel and babying suit and followed behind.

It took us a while to actually get there, but we finally made it. We both walked on the beach and put our towels onto the sand. I walked up to the water and squinted down so I could feel it. It was not to cold not to hot just the perfect temperature. The water was a clear blue color, and you could see little fish swimming by.

I went back to were Ashely was she was sun tanning, so I decided to join her. I added a layer of sun screen, so that I wont get burned. I put one my sunglasses and I laid back.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard 2 girls talking and screaming behind me, I tried to sleep again, but there loud talking made it impossible.  

I sat up thinking that I had enough sun, but I know that it wasn't the case.

"OMG! I can't believe there here at this hotel!" I heard one of the girls say. "Yeah! I want to meet them so bad! There voices are amazing!" I heard the other girl say. Wonder what they were talking about, maybe it was about the mystery band that I heard early today.  

"excuse me, may I ask who your talking about?" I asked turning around and looking at the girls. "you haven't heard the band the wanted are here!" the blonde one said while jumping up and down.

I turned to Ashely Who was offering me one of her earphones I gladly toke it and put it in my ear, the song glad you came was on, i heard of it before but never paid attention to the singers. "the wanted sing that song!" Ashely said. "wow there amazing" I said  

pulling the ear phone from my ear and giving it back to Ashley.

When we finally decided to leave I asked Ashely if she knows what they look like maybe we can get an autograph if we see them around the hotel. But to my luck she hadn't and only knows like 3 songs, I found out that they were from the U.K so that probably why I haven't heard them before.

We got ready since we were having dinner at this fancy restaurant. I put on a red dress that went down to my knees and straitened my blonde hair, Ashely's dress was pink and lacy , she loved bright colors, it looked really good on her. Her long brown hair was in a bun witch made the outfit fit perfectly.

When I was done applying make up I headed to the kitchen and grabbed my bag, Ashely did the same. By the time we knew it we were sitting at the most beautiful restaurant I had ever been in. I really couldn't believe we were staying at this hotel. My thought got interrupted when the waiter came to us for our drink order. It was a buffet so we got to pick whatever we wanted.

When we had finished our meal i decided to walk around a bit, just to see more of the hotel. I sow Ashely talking to a group of girls and guys, I didn't want to disturb her so I went by my self. I ended up going outside, it was chilly but I put my jacket on to keep me warm, even tho the jacket was thin.

It was beautiful outside, the moon was shining really bright and so were the stars, I walking around the corner to find a pool, I never really noticed one before. I was about to turn around and walk away when I heard someone. "hello" I looked around trying to find out who this was coming from. I finally Sow this guy sitting down at the edge of the pool. I walked to him and sat down putting my feet in the water. "hey" I said back he was really cute he was wearing a white T-shirt with some skinny jeans. He had hair kinda like Justin bieber. "I'm Jake nice to meet you" he said to me "i'm Carly, umm..What are you doing here so late at night?" I asked "I just wanted to see the stars" "Ohh that's cool, it's really nice out to" i said while looking at the stars. It truly was. Before I could say anything else my phone rang


"Were are you!" it was Ashely  

"I'm just chillen outside"  

"ok I didn't see you around anywhere I thought something happened."  

"no I'm ok, I'll leaving now I'll see you"  

"ok bye"  

And with that I hung up. "I have to go" I said while getting up and putting my flip flops on. He got up with me "Maybe we can hang out sometime, here's my number" he handed me a piece of paper And I stuck it in my pocket "yeah, that would be fun" and with that I walked away.



Hey, ok this is my first story that I've done one wattpad! It's really bad:( but I hope you like it so far! More to come!

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