Chapter 3

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"hey, Jake." I Said while walking up to him and giving him a hug.

"Hey!" He hugged me back, it seemed really awkward after that hug, we haven't really hugged before so I guess that's probably why. I decided to break the silents.

"do you want to get some ice-cream?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

"ya, sure" we walked a short distance to a cute little ice-cream shop, right around the corner.

"what flavor?" he asked while we were standing at the cashier.


I said, he picked his order witch was mint chocolate chip, he payed even tho I offered to but he wouldn't take no for an answer.

After that we decided to take a walk down the streets of the town. It was such a beautiful day!

"mmm...this ice-cream is so go-

My Ice-cream!" Someone had bumped into me making me drop the ice-cream all over the floor. Why does this keep happening to me!

"oh my god, I'm so sor-


I looked up and sure Enough it was Nathan. Wait I though Nathan had to go somewhere I guess he was just walking to the place...

"hey, Nathan" I said rather shocked. Did he lie to me?

I looked down at the floor and sighed, my poor ice-cream!

Once I looked up again I sow Nathan and Jake staring at each other really weird, like they wanted to kill someone or something.

Then I remembered that I hadn't introduced jake to Nathan.

"ummm......jake this is Nathan, Nathan jake." the two men stared at each other not saying a word, what was going on between the two?

Nathan POV

I was on my way to the studio since I had to leave Carly at the pool by her self yeah I felt bad, really bad. But I still had to focus on my music.

Before I Made my way to the studio I stopped at McDonalds to get some lunch, cause I was starving. I decided to walk to the studio since I had just eaten a really fatty meal and I needed to shed the calories.

As I was walking I hadn't watched were I was going, I bumped Into someone, Serously why does this keep happening to me?!

"oh my god I'm so sor-

Carly?" wait Carly what was she doing here! Wait what was I doing here I told her i had to go somewhere this isn't really somewhere...

"Hey,Nathan" she said with a Shocked face. Now she probably thinks I'm lying!

I notice that someone is standing beside her. I look up and there's a guy with her! What the heck! She's supposed to be with me right now not him! I look at him and give him a death glare. He's doing the same back.

"ummm....Jake this is Nathan,

Nathan jake." Carly had said to brake up the silence. No one said anything after that It was really, really bad.

"umm....would you like join our walk?" Carly asked after 2 mins of staring.. My head shot her way. Why would she say that!

"I would love to but I have to go somewhere. I'll text you later." I said to Carly I added the texting part cause I wanted to make jake, jealous witch was happening I could see it in his eyes.

"oh ok, bye" she said while waving good bye and continuing waking. I turned around to not saying anything to that guy she was with. I hated him. He doesn't deserve her!


I had finally made it to the studio ten minutes later. It was a really long walk and I was tired, at least i toke away the calories from McDonalds.

"hey, mate made it just in time." it was max walking over to me, we did that man hug.

"hi." I simply said. I followed him to wear the studio was.

"hey! Nathan over here babe!"

It was my snotty girlfriend. She such a bitch! I don't even know why I'm with her blame management, I want to be with Carly but thats probably not even going to happen. I don't even think she likes me.

"hi,Mindy" I said not really in the mood to be talking to her.

That's when she gives me a wet and sloppy kiss. I pulled away and walked inside our recording room. I closed the door behind me so Mindy wouldn't come in. Hope she gets the message of what I just did there.

I look around and I see all the boys testing out there voices in the recording room while Jane was standing near me and the dj guy Was sitting down. Testing the voices of the lades (*A/N sorry I'm not to sure what you call this guy!)

I walk over to wear the rest of the lads were and take a seat beside siva.

"ok! Listen up!" Jane said while clapping her hands at the microphone to get our attention. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and listened up.

"we're coming out with a new album, witch means we need to start getting this songs recorded, ok let's go." she toke a step back and let the Dj guy take over letting the music flow inside this tiny room. Our first song was satellite. Means I got to sing first.

Baby come over here

I just got to tell you something something

there noth-

"Nathan! When are you going to be done with all this crap so we can hang out!"

It was Mindy again! She just barged right in!

I grabbed the microphone that me and siva were singing in.

"Mindy, get out cant you see I'm working!" I felt a bit bad for yelling but at the same time she was being rude to.

"come on sweetie its time for the lads to sing" Jane said while pushing Mindy out the door and locking it.

"thanks Jane" I said She nodded.

"some girlfriend you got there" Tom said.

"tell me about it" I mumbled it, but I was pretty sure he could hear me.

Jakes POV

I had the best time with Carly she so nice and outgoing! After facing her friend Nathan witch i wasn't a big fan of i really wanted Carly all to my self, i hope nathan doesn't like her cause I will make sure he never gets her. we ended up going to the park we sat in the grass for a while talking about life, but I had a great time.

"I had fun" Carly said while giving me a hug. I blushed and Hugged back hopefully she didn't see that.

"me to....we should do it again some time" I said breaking up the hug even tho I wanted it to last.

"ya totally...well I'm going to go I'll text you soon" she said while turning around and walking away. I watched her till she disappeared.

Love at first sight (Nathan Sykes fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now