Chapter 10

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"how about you, younge lady" he said to me while holding out his hand for me to take.

Know everyone eyes were on me.

" thanks" I said while looking down. I was really nervous.

"Ohhhh come on!" said the guy everyone from the crowd began to cheer and clap.

"come on Carly it's going to fun"

Nathan said while whispering in my ear. I can't just back down now, come on Carly you can do this.

"ok fine" I said while taking the guys hand.

"what's your name?" he whispered to me while leading me to the stage

"Carly" I said while he ran off to grab a stool. He sat the stool in the middle of the sage he grabbed a guitar and handed it over to me.

"sit down over there" he said while I did what he wanted and sat down.

He came back seconds later with a microphone witch he set up right in front of me. Once he exited the stage everyone's eyes were on me. I can do this Carly. I Keep playing that in my head.

"hi, e-everyone names C-Carly" I stuttered, this was my first time performing for hundreds and hundreds of people.

"I'm going to be s-singing 22 by Taylor swift" I said it was my favorite song and I knew all the words.

It feels like the perfect night

To dress up like hipster and make

Fun of our exes ah ah ah ah

It feels like the perfect night

For breakfast at midnight,

To fall in love with strangers

Ah ah ah ah

Yeah, we're happy, free, confused

And lonely at the same time it's

Miserable and magical oh yeah.

Tonights the night when we forget

About the deadlines, it's time

Uh oh I don't know about you but

I'm feeling 22

Everything will be alright if you

Keep me next to you

You don't know about me, but I'll

Bet you'll want to everything will

Be all right if we just keep

Dancing like were..... 22 22

After finishing the song I hear screams and cheering from the audience I'm so happy right now! People actually like my singing, I thought i was terrible but I guess not.

So after the noises go down the guy comes back on to stage.

"thanks everyone for coming today, special thanks to Carly for being really brave and sing for us today!" that's when I hear all the cheering again.

I bring the guitar back stage and the thank the guy. That's when I see Nathan standing at the door way with his mouth hanging open.

He comes up to me and gives me a big hug.

"your amazing! I never now you could sing!" he said pulling away from the hug.

"thanks Nath, no one really knows that I can" I simply say while he leads me out to his car and I jump in.

"seriously! You need to share you talent with the world!" he says while we drive off but it doesn't seem like we're driving back to the hotel?

"I wish and Nathan were are we going?" I ask

"I have another surprise for you" he says with a huge smile on his face. Great. Another surprise I don't enjoy them very much.

"come on Nathan!" I say

"your going to love it and be patient"

"fine" I whisper with a hint of annoyance in my voice but I make sure Nathan doesn't here it.


"were here!" said Nathan while parking the car outside I white building, nothing really special about it.

"umm.....were are we" I ask while getting out of the car.

"you'll see" was his only answer.

We step inside and holy crap! It was so fancy! The walls were painted a light brown there was even a couch and a HUGE tv.

"follow me" he says while Walking away i follow behind, he leads me into a big room and who do I see standing there the rest of the wanted boys? What are they doing here?




This chapter is really short and whatnot

I would of uploaded earlier but I went to a lonnnnggggggg walk with my mom-_-

I don't know when I'll upload next.

It might be on friday!:)



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