Tuesday, September 1, 2015

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Today has been shit. Dysphoria, ovulating, and annoying people. Not gonna focus on that though. Did yall know that if you can't afford a binder and the give away sites, such as in a bind or big brothers binders aren't giving any away at the time, you can join a Facebook group or some type of blog or social media that is about ftm giveaways and cheap sells. They all are pretty nice people too so you can make friends. Learn people's stories. That sorta stuff.

They just don't sell packers sadly. That's really what I need actually. The thought of having the right genatalia makes me pretty happy but then I remember I don't. Whoops. I was looking up the differences between metoidioplasty and phalloplasty with the actual pictures and now I really don't know which one I want. Decisions right?

I'm watching season three of skins right now. I really vibe with effy in the parental situation and I vibe with her and Freddie about the feelings. Like everything is sorta dissapointing and you feel like shit a lot. That's it. Bye.

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