Chapter 7

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Sophia's POV
I woke up to a pair of hands around my waist. I look back to see Cam. He was still sleeping. I moved his arm and walked to the bathroom. I walked in to see Kalin's girl, me and Kalin share bathrooms. I moved to the sink and brushed my teeth. I walked back out and laid on the bed with Cam. He looked at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He replied and gave me a kiss.

I kissed back, and things started to get intense. I pulled away and pointed to the bathroom. He nodded and got up. While he did that I put my shirt back on and ran downstairs.

Cam's POV
I walked in to the bathroom to get a condom and when I looked back into Sophia's room she was gone. Damnit now I have a problem. I walked downstairs covering up my area. I spotted Sophia and ran to her.

"You have to help me." I said.

"What do you want?" She asked.

I pointed to my area and she started laughing. "It's not funny." I said embarrassed.

"Okay, okay let me just eat breakfast first."

I shook my head 'no' and picked her up bridal style. "This is your breakfast."

I closed the door and we went straight to work.

Kalin's POV
I was downstairs with the boys and Lily, that's my girlfriend. We were watching tv until we heard screaming and moans.

"Omg not again." Jake said covering his ears.

"It's not like you don't do it." Myles said laughing. Jake punched Myles in the arm.

I don't know why, but I was getting mad. Like if I was jealous that Cam and Sophia were having sex. But why should I be I have a girlfriend. I shook it off and continued watching tv.

A few minutes later Cam and Sophia walked out of the room and came downstairs.

Sophia's POV
We walked downstairs and I saw Kalin looking hecka pissed but I don't care. He has a girlfriend? Doesn't he, he should be worried about her not me. I sat next to Cam and cuddled up with him. We stayed like that for a while until I got hungry.

"I'm hungry!" I said.

"Me too." Jake and Myles said at the same time.

I looked at them. "Are you guys twins?" I asked.

"Why'd you say that?" Jake asked back.

"Because you guys always say stuff at the same time."

"No we don't!" They both said.

I looked at them again and they nodded.

"Well I'm going to go get food what do you guys want?" I said.

"In-and-out." Myles said. I nodded my head and grabbed the keys.

"I'm coming with." Kalin said.

I rolled my eyes but he didn't see because my back was towards him. I opened the door and hopped into the Range Rover. I turned on the radio because I did not feel like talking to him. He would look and me once in a while then turn the other way.

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