Chapter 18

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Day of tour

Myles' POV
Today is the day of tour and I can't be more excited. I jumped out of bed and took a shower. I got out then put so close on.

I grabbed the air horn and blew it.

"Wake up, tour starts today!" I yelled.

Everyone came out their room complaining. Especially my little sister.

"What the fuck is up with you. Can't you fucking way until I wake up." She scoffed.

"I'm sorry sis, but we have to put all of our luggage in the bus and head out." She groaned and walked into her room.

"I'll get her." Kalin said and walked to her room.

Kalin's POV
"Babe?" I said and walked over to her bed.


"Come on it's time to get up so we can't start your." She groaned.

"I don't wanna." She whined.

"Come on, after we finish you can go back to sleep." She finally got up and went to the bathroom.

I went into my room and grabbed all my luggage. I brought it to the door and went back up to get Sophia's luggage.

We walked downstairs and put everything where it belong. I walked in the bus and find my way to my bunk. I open the curtain to see it was already occupied.

I smiled and kissed Sophia's forehead. I walked to the front of the bus and started playing video games with Cam.


"Come on guys you go on in 5." Ben said.

We all nodded. We gathered together and started praying. Once we finished I kissed Sophia's forehead.

"Wish me luck." I said. She smiled and nodded.

"Go turn up."

Sophia's POV
I go in the crowd to see the boys perform. I didn't want to see the show backstage because I also wanted to turn up with the crowd, I mean who wouldn't.

The show is amazing and everyone is having the time of their lives. The show was almost coming to an end.

"Watch this." I hear a random girl say. I looked and her and seen that she pulled a bra out of her bag. My eyes widen, what would she do with that?

Next thing you know she throws it on stage and Myles' catches it. His face is priceless. I busted out laughing and turned to the girl.

"Good one." I say and continued laughing. She turns around and smiles.

"You're Myles sister aren't you?" She asked, I nodded.

"Can I get a picture with you?" She took her phone out and snapped a picture.

We exchanged numbers and Twitter usernames. She seemed like a chill person. The show was over and I started making my way backstage.

I walk to Myles and laugh again, that was priceless. He holds the blue lace bra in his hand.

"Man you should have seen your reaction." He glares at me.

"Shut up. What do I do with this now?" He says and points to the bra.

"Umm, give it away." Cam suggested.

"Yea. Thanks Cam I'll give it to one of my side hoes." Myles said.

I gave him the i-know-fucking-lyin look. "Bitch you don't got any." Cam, Kalin, and Jake started laughing.

"I do have hoes." Myles said defending himself.

"Oh really? Who are they?" I asked curiously.

"M-mmh- hh see w-hat ha-p-ppen was, I don't remember their names." Myles shuddered, I rolled my eyes.


I walked off and headed towards the bus. I changed clothes and went to my bunk. I slowly started drifting to sleep and I felt someone else get in the bunk, probably Kalin.

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