Chapter 13

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Kalin's POV
Sophia and I are currently laying down in her bed watching movies. She had a tight grip on me since we were watching a scary movie.

"I don't like the movie, things keep popping up." She whined.

"Stop whining little baby, I'm here to protect you." She looked at me crazy.

"I bet if one of the monsters from a scary movie come, you'll be the first one running." She said.

"Yea, but then I'll come running back to get you." I said.

"No need for that just keep on running I'll be dead already." She rolled her eyes and got up.

I pulled her back down and hugged her tight. "I'll never let anyone hurt you." I kissed her forehead, she smiled.

Sophia's POV
I'm hungry, I want food, I shall go find food. Wow, I've been around Kalin to much.

I pushed Kalin off and ran for my life. He knows how to cuddle and he always wants to cuddle.

I made it downstairs safety and walked to the pantry. I took out Fruity Loops and that's when, Kalin found me.

He wrapped his arms around me and started kissing my neck.

"That's not nice, running away from me." He whispered in my ear, which send chills down my spine.

I turned around to face him. "Well I was hungry and I wanted some cereal."

He sighed. "Well okay, but hurry up I want to go lay in bed again." He whined.

"You can go back and lay in bed no ones stopping you." I said and got the milk out the fridge.

"Nooooooo it's not the same." At this point he seemed like a little baby.

"You are going to have to wait Mr."

"Fine." He pouted and sat on the couch while I enjoyed my cereal. It was peaceful, but you know all good things come to an end.

My annoying brothers walked in the house. Screaming and cheering.

"Woah, woah, woah, can you guys calm down." I yelled.

"We just got amazing news Kalin, we might go on tour!" Myles kept screaming.

Kalin got up and started jumping. "That's great news!"

"Yeah, we have to go to a meeting do it can get confirmed."

All three of them were now jumping am screaming. I got up and put my bowl in the sink. I could not take anymore of this yelling so I went to my room.

Myles' POV
"The meeting is later today to get everything confirmed." I told Kalin, he nodded his name.

"What's the tour going to be called," he asked.

"I'm not sure yet, we have to come up with something." I replied back.

I walked in the kitchen and Jake started talking to Kalin.

"So Kalin you and my sister what are you guys?" Jake asked.

Kalin shrugged. "I'm not sure, we both admitted that we had feeling for each other."

"Well I'm telling you this, you hurt her your ass is grass. I'm not kidding, she's been through hell cause of a guy." Kalin nodded.

Us three sat on the couch playing games until it was time to go to the meeting.

Hello my fellow readers. How you doing? Haven't updated in a while so here Ya go, I'll try to update again today!

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