Chapter 21

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Sophia's POV
After Kalin left the bus the rest of the gang walked in. They looked at me then at Jackson.

"What was that about?" Jake asked, I shrugged my shoulder.

"I don't know." I said and sat down.

We drove to the hotel we were going staying at. When we got there we checked in and made our way to our room. The room was huge. It kinda looked like a house.

We settled down and ordered room service. When room service got her we gathered up in the living room and started watching movies.

After and hour or two I got up and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I stood in the shower thinking about what happened earlier.

Like what I was told and how Kalin snapped. Jackson and I weren't doing anything bad, but he didn't let me explain and he led to conclusions.

I got out and dressed in comfy clothes. I walked out and everyone was looking towards the door. I looked at there stood himself, Kalin.

"Where were you man, we were worried about you?" Myles asked.

"I was just at McDonald's." He said .

"For an hour and 30 minutes?" Cam asked.

"Yea, I was talking to a friend." He smirked and walked past me. I rolled my eyes and sat down. Jackson looked at me and grabbed my hand and took me to his room.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin you two's relationship. I j-." He said but I interrupted him.

"It's fine. We should rest and talk more about this tomorrow." I said and gave him a small smile in which he returned.

I walked out and Kalin was staring at me. I shrugged it off and decided to go to sleep. I hopped in bed and slowly drifted to sleep.


I woke up due to some people laughing. I groaned and got up. I walked in the living room and seen a girl with Kalin laughing, she was really pretty -no homo- he looked at me and stood up.

"Sophia, this is my friend Chloe." He said then smirked. I shake her hand and walked into the kitchen.
There was a note on the counter.

We left since we knew you weren't going to wake up anytime soon, we'll be back soon.

~The Crew

I sighed and rolled my eyes, that means I'm stuck with these two. I sat on the couch and watched the movie that was playing. A few minutes past and I turned to see Chloe and Kalin cuddling, looks like he moved on pretty fast.


Vancouver, BC show

"Come on Sophia please, just one song." Myles begged.

He wanted me to go out on stage and sing because they still had things to do before they went on.

"No, what if I make a complete fool out of myself." I said.

"You won't now come on." He said and pulled me by the hand. He pushed me on stage and everyone looked at me. I smiled at then and turned around.

"I don't even ha-" I started but got interrupted by Cam. He handed me the guitar and gave me a stool. I turned to look at Myles and he was smiling, I stuck my finger out an held it high enough so he could see.

I turned around and sat on the stool nervously. I adjusted the microphone and took a deep breath.

"Umm, many of you may or may not know who I am, but I'm Myles' and Jake's sister and I'm going to sing all in my head by Tori Kelly." I said and they cheered. I started playing on the guitar.

'I see you with her and it crushes me inside, guess I should stop thinking about you all the time, maybe this is what I needed maybe this is a sign, maybe I've been blind to reality baby tell me'

I sung and it just reminded me how Kalin was with Chloe. Probably us dating was a mistake.

'Every little glance my way every time you wanted to hang, you seemed so interested, could you tell me was it real or was it all in my head, was it real or was it all in my head'

I felt tears building up in my eyes. I held them back as best as I could.

'She's so pretty you two look so great, time for me to me to move on now it was probably just a silly crush anyway, but I just can't help but think that we, we could've had something, have I really been blind to reality baby tell me'

She was really pretty and I think they'll make a cute couple together. It was funny how this song described how I was feeling. I was beginning to think I was useless and a waste of time, like some people told me. I continued singing until the song was over with I got up and walked off the stage. I gave Myles the guitar and walked away wiping my tears. I just wanted to be alone.

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