Chapter 4

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Jake's POV
I really felt like a bad person right now. I just want to clear thing up with my sister.

"Myles I can't do things anymore. I feel like a bad guy, I'm going upstairs to talk to Sophia." I said.

"I know lets both go." He got up and he followed me upstairs.

I knocked on her door but there was no response. I knocked again. "Sophia please open up we want to talk to you."

The door opened slowly. We walked in her room and sat on the bed. It was complete silence until Sophia spoke up.

"So what did you guys want to talk about?" She sounded a bit annoyed.

"Well we wanted to say sorry for talking to you like that and how it all went down last night." Myles said.

"Yea, and we are sorry that we weren't there when you needed us or called you to check up on you." I added.

"Do you forgive us?" Myles asked her.

She just looked at us weird for a while then she spoke up. "I guess."

We hugged her tight. "Hey tell you what, why don't we go out tomorrow just us three to do some catching up." Myles suggested.

"Sure." We both said.

We continued to talk for a while then we walked back downstairs.

Sophia's POV
After the boys apologized we stayed upstairs in my room and talked about stuff. Then we walked downstairs. Kalin was shirtless. Damn he looked hot. He seen me looking at him and a big ass smirk spread across his face. I walked into the kitchen and got Oreos. I walked back out to the living room and sat on the couch, my legs were on top of Jake and Myles.

"Myles do me a favor please." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Can you massage my feet?" I replied.

"Eww no that's gross." He said.

"Fine but just know your going to want something first."

"Ugh fine."

"Yes I have a peasant." I said and threw my hands in the air.

The rest of the boys just laughed at my comment. I could tell I would like this place. I'll be surrounded by family and friends.

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