Chapter 19

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Kalin's POV
I walked on the bus and seen Sophia sleeping in my bunk again. She says it's hers now but that's my original bunk. I slid in the bunk with her and fell asleep.

In the morning I was the only one in the bunk. I got up and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went to the front of the bus. Cam was the only one there.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"They went to get breakfast." He responded.

"Without me." I said sadly.

"Well duh, they didn't want to go broke." Cam laughed. The bus tour opened and the Parrishes walked in. Jake had and IHOP bag and placed in on the table. I walked to it and seen delicious looking pancakes. I licked my lips, I could almost taste them.

"Not so fast, I want some too." Cam said and walked in front of me. He got a plate and grabbed three pancakes. Me being a fatass I grabbed five pancakes. At let me tell you they were delicious.

Sophia's POV
Ugh! I hate when you have to delete random crap you have on your phone to get more space. I went on my camera roll and started deleting random crap I have in there. I came across a video and played it.

I busted out laughing when I saw what it was. Myles was singing and dancing and he was only in his boxers. I'm never deleting this. I then came across and picture that means a lot to me. I stared at it and smiled at it, she's adorable.

I didn't know I was crying until a tear hit my hand. How I regret that day so much.

"Babe whe-, whoa what's wrong?" Kalin asked. I wiped away my tears quickly.

"N-nothing I was just watching this old video of Myles I had and it was funny." I told him hoping he would believe my lie.

He laughed. "Let me see it." I showed him the video and he just kept on laughing.


"Good show guys!" I said and patted Myles on the back.

"I know and I deserve a kiss for it." Kalin said and grabbed my waist.

"Cam you heard him, he wants a kiss." I yelled and smirked.

"Nooooo. I want a kiss from you." He whined, I rolled my eyes and pecked his lips. But he held me tighter and attached his lips to mine again, he licked my bottom lip wanting entrance but I declined and pulled away.

"No, we are in public." I said and walked over to the rest of the crew.

Afterwards we went to get some food and headed back to the bus to get some rest. Tomorrow is a brand new day.


I have something already in mind for this book and I'm pretty sure you all would like it. I'm just trying to make the book interesting.

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