Chapter 5

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Sophia's POV
I got up and got ready for today. I still don't know where the boys want to take me but whatever. I put my outfit on and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked downstairs to see the boys ready. I realized that we all had our black and white vans on.

"Us Parrish's think alike huh?" I said laughing.

"We sure do." Jake replied. Along with Myles laughing.

Kalin then came downstairs. He looked at my shirt than back at me. "Hey I thought I was bae!" He said.

"No you are just the side hoe." I joked.

He put his hand on his chest and faked looking hurt. I laughed and walked out the door with my brothers.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Our favorite place." Myles replied.

"THE FAIR!" I yelled like a little kid.

They both laughed at me.


We were currently in line to get a funnel cake because it looked fucking delicious. I tried to pay for it but Myles butted in and gave the lady money.

"I can take care of myself you know."

"Yea, but I just wanna help a sister out."

We found a table to sit and started talking.

"Hey Sophia can I ask you a question?" Jake said.

"Yea sure go ahead."

"Umm remember that night we got in the argument you said something almost dying. What was all that about?" He asked.

My whole facial expression changed. I really don't like talking about it but since their my brothers I could trust them.

"Well I was dating this boy and he abused me. He wasn't like that in the beginning, he was all nice and all but then he changed. I ended in the hospital for a reason and my world changed. But can we stop talking about this please."

I could see that Jake and Myles were angry. "Yea you don't have to tell us anymore." Myles said back.

A/N:Short chapter but I'll update better tomorrow.

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