Baby DeanxReader

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"For the last time (y/n), no!" Dean yells at you.
"You suck. Why won't you let me have my fun?" You whine.
"Because she's my Baby and you don't have a real license."
"No, but I've got three fake ones." You mutter and roll your eyes. "That you made me."
"That's not what I mean and you know it." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Look, (y/n), I want you to be happy, I really do, but this is out of the question."
"It'll only be one night. I'll fill its tank up too." You try to bribe him.
"Okay first of all, she's a She not an It. And second, Sam and I are hunting so we need her more than you."
"So drop me off on the way." You half order half beg.
"We won't have time. Why can't you just take no for an answer?"
"Because I have been planning this for weeks!" You yell at him, finally snapping. "I told you ages ago that I was going and only now, on the night, you say I can't? Fuck you, Dean Winchester!"
"You are such a child. This is just proving my point." He hisses.
You make an indistinguishable noise (a little like a Velociraptor screech) before storming to your room and slamming the door behind you.
You hear Sam arrive at the bunker and asking Dean what had happened. Their muffled voices sounded tense and frustrated. Huzzah, Sam was on your side!
Eventually, you heard Sam knock on the door and you allowed him access.
"We're leaving soon." He announced cautiously. "You gonna be okay?"
"I always am, aren't I?" You laugh bitterly.
"Well, we'll be back in a few hours. We just need to grab our weapons and we'll be gone." He said.
"Have fun." You tell him, a plan hatching in your head. Sam closed the door and plodded off. When you heard him enter the , you raced to the closet, shoving yourself into a LBD and high heels as quickly as possible. Grabbing make up that you planned on applying in the club's bathroom, you texted your friend (y/f/n), telling them that you would be there soon.
Sneaking past the boys, you grab the Impala's keys off the kitchen counter and race out of the bunker.
Starting up the Impala, you race off into the night and don't look back.


After a few hours of dancing and drinking, you were in no state to drive. But you had to return Dean's Baby so you gathered yourself up and managed to drive cautiously enough to get back to the bunker without crashing.
Just as you think you're in the clear, Dean opens the car door and pulls you out by the shoulders. You stumble on your heels, head still fuzzy from all the shots.
"What the Hell where you thinking, (y/n)?! You could have gotten yourself killed." He yelled in your face, rage in his eyes.
"Well I didn't, did I?" You snap. "I'm not as - what's that word? - unmature as you think."
"(Y/n), that's not even the right- okay maybe you can drive, but that's not the point." He glances back at the car. "You stole my Baby, drove her without my permission so you could get drunk and party all night. Sammy and I had to walk to the graveyard because of you."
"Oh boo hoo, you did physical exercise. What's this even about Dean? Why are you so upset that I wanted to have some fun for once?"
He suddenly looked hurt.
"You don't have fun with us?" He asked, his eyes filled with anguish. You stroke his arms lightly.
"Of course I do, you know that, I just need to have a break from all this hunting and death. That's why I wanted to go to the club."
"I just," Dean started, looking away and scratching his hairline. "I don't want you to get hurt." He moved closer, closing the gap between you. "I care about you too much."
"More than Baby?" You tease.
"More than Baby." He confirmed, bringing his hands to your face to pull you in for a kiss. You sobered up pretty quickly and kissed him back.
"But I swear if you got a single scratch on her you're dead."

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