Just Roll With It Pt. 3

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I woke up in my bed, which was unusual as I was convinced I had fainted in the living room last night. My head was killing me and there was a cold chill in the air.

Grunting with exhaustion, I rolled out from underneath the covers and placed my feet on the wooden floor of my bedroom. I was still dressed in the clothes I had worn last night, adding to my confusion. I was drenched in sweat that had frozen over due to the low temperature.

I was on my way to the bathroom when the smell of bacon wafted into my nose.

Choosing to be the typical protagonist in a horror movie, I decided to investigate. It was definitely in the house, and as I drew closer, the faint sound of someone singing caught my attention.

Arming myself with an umbrella I had hastily grabbed from the hallway, I slowly opened the kitchen door.

"A few times I've been around that track, so it's not just gonna happen like that, cause I ain't no hollaback girl, I ain't no hollaback girl."

A man was standing by the stove, scrambling eggs and gyrating his hips as he sung to himself. I was so taken aback I dropped the umbrella and stood there, dumbfounded.

The noise of my weapon clattering onto the floor made the intruder look up and beam at me.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you're awake. I can't quite get the hang of making toast, every slice comes out differently."

Memories of the night before came flooding back to me and I stared at Lucifer, finally level-headed enough to take in his appearance.

His sandy blond hair somehow had crumbs in it and his icy blue eyes were circled with laughter lines. He was wearing jeans and a green shirt underneath a pink frilly apron that was covered in stains. Taking in his massive height, I guessed he was about 6 feet, possibly more.

My totally unsubtle staring was interrupted when Lucifer cleared his throat and offered me a plate of runny eggs.

"Erm, thanks." I mumbled, accepting the plate and walking to the breakfast bar, the devil hot on my heels.

He sat next to me and watched me expectantly. God, you could have felt the awkwardness in the air.

Finally, Lucifer broke the silence.

"I've been reading up on how to be a good friend, but... nothing seems to fit with who I am and what I do," he started wearily. "If I'm totally honest, I would much rather just snap your neck and take your soul right now, but a made a deal and I can't go back on it.

"Why you chose me to be your friend I will never understand. And whether I'll be satisfactory enough for you is a completely different story. But just know that I will be there for you until your ten years are up, I know that's something friends do."

He looked at me with a solemn expression. That was the first time I saw the emptiness in his eyes.

He was dead inside.


I paraded Lucifer around town, showing him off to everyone that had ever doubted I could make a friend. None of them seemed to even acknowledge our presence. He had smiled and waved through all of it, but deep down I knew he was uncomfortable.

When I finally got Lucifer alone, I confronted him, asking why he looked like he'd rather be anywhere but with me.

"It's... unnatural for me to be this casual around a large number of humans. I've never gone this long without hurting someone before." He answered awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Everybody has to suppress an urge to punch the people around them. But it's impolite, not to mention illegal, so we smile and keep out mouths shut."

For a split second I thought I saw Lucifer smile, but it was soon gone.

"Let's just go home."


"Those people we saw today aren't very nice. You said they were your acquaintances?"

"Sort of," I explained with a hint of sadness. "I doubt they even know my name."

"Jerks," Lucifer muttered under his breath.

"You can say that again," I grumbled. I didn't realise a tear had slipped down my cheek until Lucifer wiped it away with his cold thumb.

"I know you said hurting people's illegal, but I'm above the law," he said firmly. "We're going out again, and this time we're doing it my way."

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