Where He Kisses You

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Dean- Lips. Whether it's a quick peck, a lingering kiss or a full-on make out session, he is obsessed with your lips. When you ask him why he claims that it's the most intimate place he can kiss you. Well... in public anyway.

Sam- Top of head and forehead. It's his adorable way of showing how tall he is as he leans down to kiss you. It also makes him seem protective so you love it.

Cas- Back of the hand. He doesn't really understand intimacy but he had seen many romantic movies and picked up some tricks of his own. You personally think it's extremely cute when his lips are on your hand and he's watching your reaction intently.

Lucifer- Nose. It always makes you giggle and he loves getting that reaction out of you. Every chance he gets he'll quickly kiss you on the tip of your nose, laughing when you scrunch your face up and grin.

Crowley- Cheek. He's only a little taller than you so your cheek is the easiest target. He normally kisses you when you're standing next to each other, hand in hand.

Gabriel- Neck. Sometimes he uses his teeth to gently nip you which makes you laugh. He has learnt that when you shake your hair back it's an invitation for him to kiss you and he sure as Hell jumps to the opportunity.

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