Hunger Games AU Pt. 2

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"I volunteer as tribute."

Dean didn't think he had said it out loud until everyone in the square turned to look at him. He didn't know why he said it, it was suicide. But Sam needed him and Dean would not hesitate to put his life in the line for him.

He marched through the crowed that had parted to let him through and over to where Sam had stopped making his way up the steps to the stage.

"Sammy, go stand over there with your friends and I'll see you real soon."

"No, Dean!" Sam cried, grabbing at Dean's sleeve.

"Let go, Sam." He said gravely. Uncurling his little brother's fingers from his wrist.

A few older kids held Sam back as he kicked and screamed.

"Well," Rowena said cautiously as Dean stomped into stage, a dark look in his eyes. "That was dramatic. Procedure normally states that we ask for volunteers first but..." she trailed off and gave Dean a pitying look.

He could see Jo peering over Rowena's shoulder, concern and fear in her eyes as she stared at Dean. He just clenched his jaw and stared out into the far end of the crowd where the faces blurred together.

"Tell us, what's your name?" Rowena asked, stepping away from the mic and letting Dean taking her place momentarily.

"Dean Winchester."

"And that must have been your brother. How noble of you!"

Dean glared at her, hating how cheerful she was about the situation.

"Shake hands then you two," Rowena instructed them, moving backwards so that they were face to face.

Jo's eyebrows were knitted in concern. Her light brown eyes were asking a million questions, but at the same time trying to hide her true emotions. She took his outstretched hand and softly brushed her thumb over his knuckles. Dean just firmly gripped her wrist and gave her a stony-faced look.


5 years ago

Dean hugged his knees to his chest as Sam snored softly beside him. Their father had left several hours ago saying that he was getting some food for dinner. Now it was dark outside and the clock in the main town square was chiming one in the morning.

The Winchesters hadn't eaten a decent meal for days now, Dean always giving his share to Sam so he didn't go too hungry. John spent half his time in the mines, the other half hunting; everything he did was to get food on the table for his sons even if they didn't see it that way.

Dean remembered his dad telling him he had to learn how to hunt if he wanted to take care of Sammy. He had taken him into the woods once before to show him how to use a knife and set traps, but the unfamiliar sights and sounds had frightened Dean and it wasn't long before John gave up and took him home.

But that night Dean knew he had to face his fear. He silently rose from the mattress and pulled some boots and his jacket on over his night shirt. As he tucked his father's spare knife into his belt, he peeked over to Sam, still asleep on the mattress. Dean stepped out of the door and closed it quietly behind him.

As soon as he was out of the house, he sprinted through the Meadow and ducked under the fence. The night surrounded him and his mind was filled with images of wild animals and his dad dying in the dark somewhere.

After running non-stop for what felt like an eternity, Dean stopped and looked around, trying to get his bearings. He couldn't see a damned thing, the foliage on the ground hiding any possible paths.

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