21 Sister!Reader

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"Hurry up, (y/n)! Your birthday won't last forever." Sam yelled on the other side of the bathroom door.
"Perfection takes time, Sammy." You sing, applying crimson gloss to your lips.
"You've been waiting twenty-one years already, I'd say it's a lost cause." Your eldest brother, Dean, called.
"Ha ha, fuck you too." You say snarkily .
The boys eventually gave up and waited by the Impala impatiently. Twenty minutes later you strolled out to them in red stilettos and an rib-shatteringly tight black dress.
"Nope." Dean says when he sees you. "No way is my little sister going out looking like that."
"But Deeeaaan," you protest, giving him your best puppy eyes (Sam had taught you well). "I wanna go out and have my first drink."
"You've had plenty of drinks before." He scolds, crossing his arms.
"Not legally."
"Urgh, fine. But I'm not driving any random guy home because you pulled."
"No problem." You say sweetly, kissing him on the cheek and climbing into the car.
"Which club we hitting then?" Sam asked, rubbing his hands together in overly-dramatic eagerness.
"I liked the look of Pudding and Pie." Dean declared as he started up the Impala. "It has the word 'pie' in it so it must be good."
"I think that's a strip club, Dean." You inform him.
"Even better!" He rejoiced with a smile.
"No, Dean." You and Sam say at the same time.
"How about Inside?" Sam suggests.
"I was hoping for the Tiger." You say to Dean in the rearview mirror.
"Why not both?" He cheers as he drives to the first club.

Once there, you flash the bouncer your ID, the first one with your real date of birth on it, and push through to the bar with your brothers.
"I might have a Purple Nurple." Dean tells you, rubbing his hands together.
"That's not a good idea," Sam warns. "We're setting a good example tonight for (y/n). That means no getting hammered and absolutely no Purple Nurples."
"Spoil sport." You mutter to Dean and he grins. "C'mon Sammy, let me try one." You plead, batting your eyelashes. Sam rolled his eyes.
"Fine. But just one." He told you sternly.

Ten Purple Nurples later, you're in the next club, dancing to the thumping music with your brothers.
"I love this song!" You slur loudly into their ears.
"What?!" They reply, making you repeat what you said again, louder this time so they could hear it over the ground-shaking bass.
"Maybe it's time to go home." Sam shouts to you and you all nod in agreement, having finally had had enough fun for that night.
"CAS." Dean called when you all exited the club. The trenchcoat-clad angel appeared in front of you, a wary expression on his face.
"You are all under the influence." He stated.
"Yes we are." Sam declared, throwing his arms up into the sky.
"Cas, we can't drive. Can you take us home?" Dean pleads. Cas hesitates before zapping all of you back to the bunker.
"Home sweet... I forget the rest." Sam mumbled, immediately tumbling to the floor. You and Dean clumsily catch him before he can smash his face in.
"Do you need me to protect you tonight?" Cas asked cautiously.
"Nah, thanks Cassy-O but we'll be fine." You say cheerily, swinging off of Sam's neck.
Cas flapped off after grumbling something about being a babysitter. God you hoped not!

Somehow you all managed to get to bed, with a full face of make up and in your clothes, but hey, still a success.
"Night boys," you mumbled sleepily through the walls. "Thanks for the best night ever."

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