What They Steal From You

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Dean- Your weapons. You hardly used them anymore, aside from the rare times you helped on a hunt so it's not like you minded. Dean always grumbled about how you had better guns than him from your times at the Roadhouse, so when you found your arsenal surprisingly lacking, you knew exactly where they went.

Sam- Your hair products. On particularly hot day, you went to tie your hair up with a small band but couldn't seem to find one. You walked into the library only to stop dead in your tracks when you saw your boyfriend sitting there. His long hair was tied in a scruffy bun and some loose strands were plastered to his sweaty face. He frowned when you snorted with laughter.

"That's mine," you said, pointing at the band tying his hair up. He just smiled and handed you one of the many wrapped around his wrist.


Lucifer- Your seat in the living room. He's always sitting in it when you get home from work, giving you a shit-eating grin as you walk through the door. That is, until you throw yourself onto him and tickle him thoroughly. Then he swiftly moves to another seat and pouts.

Crowley- Your alcohol. It's not fair really, he can have whatever he wants, yet it's your liquor cabinet he raids after a long day. You once tried to beat him to it, drinking as much as you could before he arrived. He found you about two hours later, passed out on the floor and surrounded by empty bottles. You woke up the next day in bed, with a splitting headache and an equally drunk King of Hell next to you.

Gabriel- Your underwear. Don't ask. Just... don't.

Charlie- Your hoodies. She likes to sleep in them when you're away because they smell like you. When you come back home to her, you normally find her curled up on the sofa wearing nothing but your hoodie.

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