chapter 1 : car accident

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Airport : in the flight 

ohhh finally i will go back to tokyo that silly Shinichi refused to go so he suggested ME instead of him to go to london for that silly and easy case duh , but i have to say i reallyy miss him :D i have to say that he is the most perfect brother any girl could have <3 

pilot : "3 hour left till we arrive to tokyo " 

after 2 hours 

"great 1 hour left to go duuh i feel tired why i dont take a nap .-."  i said and yawning 

while the pretty nap " only 15 mins till we arrive please get ready every one " the pilot said in those speakers so i said in mind " omg those speakers are worst that my alarm -.- " 


" everyone get ready we are now in tokyo i hope you had an joyful flight :)) " the Host Aviation said with a smile 

i looked at her and saying in mind " yeah yeah joyful very joyful -.- well to  be honest it was good but the food was like EWW " 

people started to get their bags and get out of the plan so i did the same , " ahhh finally i miss you tokyo " said with HOPE and then said " where is that shinichi now :O " then i found a hand putted on my shoulder i looked back and found Shinichi :D i was very happy because i really missed him its been 2 weeks no see 

" heyyy i misssed you soo much Diana :D "  Shinichi said with giggling 

" oh so cute to hear that you miss me *O* " i said surprized

shinichi made his face like that : -.-   " haha just kidding i miss you too big bro :D " i said then he said " sooooo " and then i said " what -,- ? "       he said " what did get from london :D " he said with puppy eyes XD        " so thats why he was being perfect brother :O ma student XD " said in my mind 

" ummm i will show you what i get when we go HOME " i yelled 

" okay okay no yelling you almost made me loose the abilty to hear -.- " he said annoyed

then we went  out of the airport and i got in his car and then we drove home peacefully 

At home

" finally home :D " i said in happiness :) " okay bro i will get some rest can you prepare me some Food " i asked politely            " but did u eat at the plane?? '-' "  he questioned              " OMG dont ever remined me of that Food they give us at the plane it was totaly omg i stayed hungry all the flight  :'O so can u pleassee " i asked 

" FINE , i will do it because Ran told me before that there was a man fed a donkey then the man died and he went to the heaven bec of that donkey , i guess i will do the same :'D " he said with laughing 

" WHAT THE HECK DID YOU SAY :O OMG YOU DESCRIBING ME AS A DONKEY OMG " Diana said while she was searching for anything to throw on shinichi and when she found a mop Shinichi was vanished 

then she heard a whispering saying : well i think i hurt the donkey's feeling to describe you as him 

then diana's head was totaly on FIRE but she said in her mind " calm down DIA calm down DIA " once i calmed i said " Shinichi dear BRO i really feel sad about that girl you will marry i wonder how could she bear you dear bro " i said calmly 

" haha all the girls wanna marry a famous handsome smart detective like ME so i think she will bear me ;) " he said more calmly 

" ok i dont have time  for you now i wanna have rest and FOOD okay? now i gotta go to my sweet room " i said while waking to my room            

in the room 

ohh finally i will get A PEACEFUL sleep :)  then i wore my PJ red tank top and black shorts i got 3 hours peaceful sleep then i woke up smelling a nice food smell i went downstairs to see whats cookin then i saw Ran  " Hey Diana i missed you i hope the flight was nice :) " Ran said with a  peaceful smile and she hugged me and hugged her too and then i said in my mind " hahaha so Ran is cooking thats why that AWSOME smell of food is here  i knew Shinichi would never cook nicely :3  "       " so Ran where is Shinichi ? " i asked  " oh he went to buy some deserts to eat after dinner " she replied  then i went to put the clothes i bought from london in the closet and i took out the gifts i broughts from London 

then i heared Ran shouting  " oh Diana by the way i forgot to tell you that dad and sonoko and heji and his friend will come to have dinner here and to greet you so be ready :D "   then i said  " Okay Ran thank you for telling mee "  then i started to wonder what shall i wear *-* omg i hate wondering about that i feel like i DONT have anything in this closet  ( and the closet is SO FULL ) okay i will just wear  that hot pink blouse and those dark blue shorts with  black leggings and  those black and pink sneakers *.*  i wore them

Living Room,

 then i went downstairs and opend the TV  and while i was getting the romote i heared on the NEWS saying we have recived a letter from kaitou kid saying in it he will be stealing the Blood Diamond the day  after tomorrow at suzuke's palace  then i saw in it that this jewel costs 20 billions and i was like $o$ 

then the bell rang ding dong ding dong i opened the door then i saw Shinichi then he enterd and then i closed the door and about to sit on the couch then i found another ding dong ding doing i was totaly annoyed then i opened Up AGAIN then i found sonoko and Uncle mori and heji and his chiledhood friend and welcomed them with a cute smile and then they enterd then we all sat they was like over welcoming me by saying oh missed you soo much Diana :) i wish you had a comfortable flight  then i smiled and feeling loved then i told them" i will go get the gifts" i said happily :D 

then i got the gifts and i give them it i gave Ran a pretty Pink dress with laces and cute heel and belt looks like diamonds         and Shinichi i gave the book of sharlock holmes the latest update and a compass and a sneakers         and sonoko pretty handband and cute blousse and skirt with heels     and uncle mori i gave him 5 packes of the most rarest smokes at london that smokes are rarely find and its very expensive and things mori likes XD               and to heji a cute cap and pants and leather Jacket  and for his GF i gave her cute shirt with skinny black pantts and fab sneakers      

they were all surprized of how the things are cool then Ran made up the food table then after we ate i told them that i will go to take a round in tokyo that after when Shinichi said i will go to buy something

AT street : car

 then i went to my car and took a round at how petty how tokyo is then i just kicked someone wrongly with my car i should have killed him but i didnt luckliey then he wasnt bleeding he was just out of order then i took him to the hospital then i realised he really looks like my brother but i said in mind shinichi doesnt have this cool fab hairstyle anyways then he woke up and he said " where am i " he said shocked    " um hi you are in the hospital i was about to kill you  by my car but thank god i didnt even thouched you *-* " i said  " um so who are you ..... " he asked    " oh sorry i didnt tell you my name , my name is Diana Kudo " i answerd 

then he was LIKE OMG " coool you are that girl who solves soo many cases and you brother Shinichi ? " he questioned    " well yeah thats me and you are? " 

Ayee ladies and gentelmen i hope you like chapter 1 i will make 2 tomorrow please tell me your opinions :) and tell me to add some idea :D LOVE YOU ALLLL :** byeee 

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