Chapter 12: New relationship PT 2

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"Diana I have to go to the bathroom " he said gloomy then he went away after that I saw shinichi running towards her (huh didn't he just went to the.bathroom😰) "where were you idiot " he shouted "you know that thief might be anywhere dummy "  but she didn't move as she realised that she was already talking and holding the hand of the thief 

And when she told her brother about what happened he froze and couldn't think poof anything to say 😓 but told her that they should go home anyway............. 

When they arrived it was 11:30 already so they went to sleep But Diana didn't stop thinking about Kid as she was more curious to know his identity then the following morning.. 

As usual the day began with the ALARM 🔊📻 *yawning*  bfft just go to hell already " she said while shutting off the most hated thing in the world  $ALARM.   

She got ready for school and rushed to go and while she was walking she pumped into Kaito. When both of them made eye contact with each other their faces red as a beetroot but Kaito managed to say something somehow  *H-hey Diana *    *hi Kaito  * she said as she tried to walk and leave him behind  he caught her wrist  and "can I tell you a secret but I don't want to regret telling you " He said kindly 

" S-sure say,but if its really an important secret think more before trusting anyone easily  " she answerd   "my heart says I should trust you and tell you" he said then he kissed her cheek 😚  "K-k-kaito " she said blushing hard and her heart dancing from happiness      "what you Dont like y kisses?  " he asked when is face is very close to hers with his seductive eyes and voice tone 

"Err it's not that I don't like them its just ......" she said   " just what "he said while kissing her cheeks softly   "EMBARRASSING " she said raising her voice     " hahahah embarrassing?  I will give you the true embarrassing one when i tell you my secret now let's go or we will be late for the school " he said walking and Diana just stood there blushing no burning from kaito's kisses ( I have never seen that seductive side of kaito before 😳) 

Then when the  school day has finished  She heard the person who is selling the newspaper saying "Kaitou Kid 's heist is this evening and he is going the diamondical flower "    "oh I gotta go  😏"   she said then she ran to her home and made her home works and told Shin that this time she would go alone to The heist  

Ahem and when it was the time for her to go she was rushing to go and when she went she found the same stealing style and she got a letter at her hand telling her that kid was waiting for her on the roof top  she ran very fast to the roof

"I have been waiting for you Diana " kid said cooly.   "May I know why were you waiting for me? " she asked    " come sit here beside me but before that you have to promise that you won't do any sneaky moves to know my identity " He said seriously  " OK I promise " she said as she walked towards him then she sat beside him she was really nervous because the most famous thief is sitting right beside her

"DIana please take of my hat " he said without looking at her    but she was very excited to know who is he , she took of his hat slowly and then he looked at her  " Kaito?? How ??? Whhy? "  she said confused   " i remember you told me before why does Kaitou kid steals the most precious diamonds and then he returns , well i dont steal to take jewels to my self i take them to check something in them wanna take a look? "

He made her very close to him so she could see the diamond when it gets to the moonlight and he told her the whole story about the stealing and like that things  "kaito why did you tell me this secret and you know that i am a detective and i can arrest " she asked sadly    

"Because I love you and my love for you made me trust you but do you love me?  " he said calmly and blushing a little    " I dont love you..... "  she said sadly  " I adore you " she said crying as she suddenly embraced him thightly and he started stroking her hair and when they got a little space between their faces 

"Will you help me finding the diamond to know the truth about  my father? " he asked      "yes I will help you as much as I can can " after she answerd he got his face more closer to her and kissed her several times  their faces were very red.......... 

Hellooo ladies and gentlemen😄

did you like today's chapter 😉 please tell me your thoughts and the next chapters should I make them season 2 or continue this and no season 2 please tell meee bye 😚

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