Chapter 10: confession

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"Do you love him? !!!! Do you love Kaito?" Aoko shouted   " hmmm what makes say this ?" Diana asked calmly     " HUH, what makes me say that ..... are you silly i am just asking 1 question its answer is yes or n...." while Aoko was shouting like that kaito was walking in the street near their area " YES,  I do love HIm i DO LOVE KAITO ..." Diana raised her voice and lost her calm conversation but at that moment Aoko's and Diana's Loud voice reached Kaito  as he heard Diana confessing to Aoko about her love to him .......  " well happy now u asked me a question and i answerd it now good night i gotta go " DIana said politly while she was about to walk away kaito was peeking a seek on them and then ......... Aoko caught her arm " wha...." before Diana continued the sentence  Aoko slapped her very hard on her face 

" Curse you .... since you came to the school and became our friend you started to be a wall between me and my Kaito what the hell you want , get out of our lifes . i hate you i hate you " aoko said to the poor Diana then she ran away kaito was very surprized and mostly shocked at the two events that Diana his crush loves him and Aoko's jealousy made her slap someone that hard  after when aoko's went away  Diana standed there motionless tears falling from her 

then Kaito ran to her "" when she heard him calling her name she ran away because Diana didn't wany Kaito to see her in her tears and as she thought of Aoko's words that she separated them she didnt want to show him her face , but unluckily for her kaito was pretty fast kn running as he could catch up with her and he caught her arm but she couldn't be able to face him but

But she was surprised when she found herself into his hug her tear were all gone and hef fAce became very red & hot   " I ... ve heard everything you and Aoko said......... " he said  in a low voice    (nuuuuuuuuu he have heard my confession .o. thats embarrassing I dont likee the idea of confessing first but what if he doesn't like me I guess i should play dead)she thought ....    "and I ........I L.... " while he was talking Saguru jumped into the sweet moment   " Diana & Kaito, I knew that u were a couple but u really guys  chose the worst place to flirt like that " saguru said as soon  as they separated themself  "we..we...we we" she said     "well there is a murder case at  that place and the detectives and the other people are coming so I dont guess thats a good place BACA .. wanna come?" HE SAID GIGGLING

( maybe I may accept going thxxx God for giving me a way to run from this embarrassing moment)          when she was about to answer her phone rang ****   

Dia:  hel... 


Dia: yo bro well I am ........                suddenly saguru stole the phone and started to talk

Sag: hi kudo don't worry she is in safety so peace ......

Shin: I neeed her nowwwww 

Sag : GEEEZ okay bye now 

" omg u DO have an annoying brother  my dear sadly he said that you must go home now :/ bye noww " he said as he walked away and me and kaito remained standing   " I guess I should go home ...." I said   " yeah ummm I will walk u if that's okay with you" he asked     "ok thanks "  the half way we were walking it was an awkward silence ........  then Kaito said: I was wondering why were you crying ..???        "DDont be silly it was something in my eye " dia replied fast  then he stopped walking and grabbed her arm and said " lies doesn't fits you at aall plus you will not win anything if u lie and hide ur feelings be honest "     ( what's up with this new personality )   " well kaito do you love me ?" She asked with a low voice then she faced him and he said : yes I love you , I love you very much but I dont guess thats right thing to do I think j will only get hurt by these feelings" when he said these words her remembered his own situation as a thief and her decision as a detective  because he always thought that she won't let her self fall for a thief

"What makes you say that? Because I might be killed by my enemies?  U don't want to love me due that? " Diana asked sadly          "that's not the reason but if........ ." While they were talking they saw a tv saying" well its 10 mins till kid's heist"         "I wonder why does kid make all these effort In stealing and then gives them back the next day , I wish I could know " she said       (hmmmm omggggg I forgot my heist 0.0 I gotta hurryy "  kaito thought )    "diana I promise that I will tell you a secret but when I say it u must promise to keep it " kaito said whispering then after 3 mins they arrived to home "goodnight DARLING ;) " SHE SAID WINKING  " bye " he said while smiling and walking  away then she ran quietly and hugged him from the back and his eyes turned wide open then she ran after hugging him ♥♥ and entered her home    then Kaito said I better not regret telling you about being thief then he went away 

Yoo ladies and gentlemen I wish you all like this chapter tell me how you feel about it 

Sorry for being late because the mid year exams wish me luck

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