Chapter 2 : My name is ...

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at the hospital : in kaito's room 

" and you are ? " i asked     " oh sorry , my name is Kaito kuroba " he answerd with a smile    " oh you are toichi kuroba 's SON :D :O the best magican in the whole world *-* " i said with excitement face      " yeah right i see you like magic huh? he winked while he asked the question  " yes big fan of it XD " i answerd  and out of no where kaito moved his fist and got me a big pretty red flower out of the air *-* i took it and there was a little blush on my face but i tried to hide it then

 after 1 min of talking about his dad and magic i stoped  " so you feel any pain ??? " i asked with a worried look at my face               " n-no i dont feel any pain i just feel confused hehe " he said with hesitantly speaking     after 5 sec the doctor knocked the door and enterd then " Ok Miss Diana Mister Kaito can go home " the doctor said cheerfully 

at the hospital : the hallway 

i took kaito and while we were walking to the exit  " so i head that you were at London for a case right? " he asked in curious way    " yeah right , how did you know ^-^ ? " i said    " i knew from the news and how was London is it great or Bad ? and how was your case ? " he asked

    " weeelll it London was perfectly AWSOME but i felt lonely although i was arounded by my fans and police and bla bla bla you know and the case was very simple i really dont belive why did the son killed his father and said that the sevant did omg i hate lying :o any thank you for asking *//*  "  i answered ..... then we went to the EXIT 

out of the hospital : street 

" so um kaito need a ride ? " i asked     " n-no thank you i can go by myself " said hesitantly    " no way c'mon i guess you are tired and need some rest i won't let you go by walking to your home " i insisted     " well okay if you insist :) " he said happily then we got in to the car

 " so where is your home ? " i asked   " umm its beside to MC donald's there at the first of that street there :) " he replied  then we i drove him home and he said " good bye and nice to meet you , i hope we meet another day :) " he said that in cute way " oh nice to meet you too , i reallyy hope that too bye and " i said then i drove to my home back oh its getting darker it almost 5 :O oh and the sunset will start at 5 mins T-T 

at home 

i opened the door with my key then i came in then Shinichi came to me  " Where have you been all that time you are late '=' " Shinichi said annoyed " sorry Shini i just was about to make an wierd accident :X " i said with weak voice  " accident ??? " Everyone said in one voice i was pretty shocked    " and  did you get hurt , Diana ? " Ran said with soft voice " no dear even the dude i was about to make him fly in the air is okay now yeeshh "   i said

  " diana as an old master in driving cars you really should be more careful " uncle  Kogoro said with a wierd grin " thank you for advise uncle ^-^ " i said politely  " yeah old master haha what about the 2 poor cars you smached them wrongly huh anyways okays MASTER XD " i said in mind  with a pathetic grin 

... then after 5 mins    " oh Dia i forgot to tell you that you were transfered from our school to ekoda high school :I " he said and he was getting ready that i will yell at him   " well well and why that 0_0 " i said calmly and shocked ...    " well because the owner of the school wanted to put his brother's daughter in the school so there was no place so he decided to replace you with her  because you travel alot and she is from his relatives so you know :P " he explained the whole story 

" well its okay since its not far away from home i dont want to hurt my poor Feet XD " i said with grin   we has been talking and eating and watching tv  then  it was 9 o'clock everyone said goodbye and gone    then " are you sad that you were tansfered ? " Sinichi asked worried    " n-no i dont think so i heard alot of things good about this school i guess it will be fine and its just close to the old school so we still can go home together :D " i replied    " btw i got your new stuff for you from the school i putted them to you up in ur room :) " he said   " thannkk you big brooo " i thanked him    " ok now go sleep you will have a busy day tomorrow good night " he said while kissing my forehead " night and sweet dreams :D " i reblied 

then i went to my room trying to sleep but i could sleep thinking of tomorrow and being the new girl without any friend and about that boy i was about to kill him and alot of things ohh i almost have a wierd feeling about being ignored at school and i couldn't sleep after all that thinking then i went to the living rooom to watch anything on the TV then i opened it up then i found on the news that kaitou kid made the heist tomorrow instead of the day after tomorrow then i said in mind " well  well i think i will be the firrst one to got to that heist i am dying to know the identity of that  thief -_-  well see you at 8  o'clock dear thief :L"   i said in mind then i felt tired closed the TV and went to sleep ...... good night guys :D 

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