Chapter 11: New Relationship PT 1

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"GEEZ i forgot the heist 0o0" kaito said running then he called Jii and told him the proplem and as usual he thought of something to help kaito ...........                                                                                                and at that moment Shinichi was making the police role in the house when Diana arrived home by asking meaningless questions                               

"Where haave you been miss "he said        "haha um i was supposed to be shopping with a friend of mine" and when she rememberd Aoko her heart got ached as she never expected to get treated so badly by her   " Hello when we are in investigation dont just ...." while shin was talking she intturepted him by a little kiss on the forehead     " hey you know i have a Girlfriend :3 " he said and he was blushing a little because he hadnt got any forehead kiss from his sister since their childhood    " sorry i gotta go brother ...." Dia said gloomy although her brother tried to make her laugh

and when she got one her room she threw herself on the bed and started to think about all what had happend the day with Aokohe face got darkend and said am i a buden ? but from what happend its clear that Kaito likes me .. i guess "    but she soon decided that she should be more strong and not just get all gloomy just because of words .. well and slap :3  so she decided to go somewhere to make her forget Aoko and she rememberd that there is a heist Kid made it to steal something 

" Shin Lets GO OUT " She said running downward the stairs to her brother  then when he heard her he came closer to her and took a hold of her hand and looked straight in the eye and said " Diana first a kiss on the forehead and now a proposal to go out with you whats up we are sibilings i know i am very handsome and hot and you cant bear this anymore but its the truth we cant be together i am sor..."  then she intterupted and said  " Are you DRUNK or something ??"  Shin's eyes became wide " but you kissed me and asked me out 0_0 "    "the kiss was to apologies about my lateness and i asked you out to go to KID's heist -_- "     "o-ok-okAY i knew already ha=ha=ha '///'  lets go .."  

and when we got to the heist the lights when off and it wwas sstooleen ( HUH the lights went out just for 1 mim 1 min and its stolen 0_0) while she was  wondering she saw from far away someone who is familliar to kaito ... -0- she tried to follow that fellow and then someone called her name and when she looked to see who , the dude she was chasing bofed into nowhere but soon she noticed her brother he ran to him "hey Shin i saw someone suspecious -.- but he boofed i dont know where did he go but he look like someone i know "  she told him    " uh um o-kay " he said lagging     " hey you dont sound like yourself come on lets get you something to drink because you seem weird" she said and took a hold of his hand he was very cold 

"hey your hand are as cold as ice ....well feel lucky that your  beloved sister will warm them up " when she said  he Blushed and also when she took his hand to warm them he was still blushing  and when she took his 2nd hand she saw a big cut " huh bro when did you get this cut>??"   she asked worriedly     "um i dont remember "   he said lowly    " umm its clear that its new -.- anyways lets do something about it ....... yeah perfume :-/ "  she suggested        " okay " he agreed then she started to search for a perfume in her bag and while she was searching   ( maybe i wont regret telling you my secret you really are a caring persone i will tell you if you want me more than just a friend) he thought in his mind

hello Ladies and Gentlemen                                                                                                                                                                        i hope you liked this chapter its a bit short bec its only the first part anyways i am really grateful about your support by voting and commenting and adding this story into your reading list :)  and things like that i am sorry i took time to make this chapter its because i felt that you stopped reading it when i wrote it and after 3 days i didnt find any notification :O :'(  i really felt that its useless  writting a story with no fans T-T     ( WHY am i so dramatic XDD)  boo anyways if you want anything to happen just suggest and idea that should happen :*  byee             

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