Chapter 9: Aoko's jealousy

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I woke up happy about what happend yesterday but I was a bit surprised until now I can't believe that happend honestly i think it was dream ......

But I don't know what will happen if aoko knew I mean I have always thought that kai is with her ... But I really want to steal him actually ^-*

Ah what it's 7oclock and the phone is ringing why is that happens to MEEEE duh lemme see who ....... "oh it's kai *-* , I wonder what he wants in that early morning ?.?

I answered the phone ..... me : mushmushai ( hello)

kai: 0H heyy aren't you coming?

Me : where ?

Kai: school u didn't know that we have to come today they changed the holiday weekend :3

Me :0MG really unfair I was dreaming such a good dream and now it's gone duh

Kai : hahahaha okay get up u lazy bun and get ready for school :)

Me: Okay and thx for calling me to tell me I really appreciate it bye gotta get ready DARLING XD

kai : hahaha bye BACA


when i closed with her i was thinking of word Darling she may be saying it to tease me but i kinda like it when she say it :'v but i guess she would never fall in love with me idk why but i guess she already fallen for that blonde detective i mean they really argue as they were lovers maybe i should ask her .... nonno no no dont be idiot kaito she would prop see that u are selfish and idiot and all the boys has crushes on her why would she choose u and u choosed to be a thief .... it doesnt make sense that a famous detective fall in with a famous thief but ,,,,,,,,,

then Aoko cutted his thinking "OHAYOO KAITOO" she shouted " ohayo how many times i told u not to scare me like that ??? " i asked " umm alot i guess but its okay u already got used to it right :D " she asked " NEVER " i replied " anyways where were u yesterday????" she asked " what me ? why u are asking :I its non of ur busniess anyway :# " i replied coldly "ohhh u r soo mea... " then Diana arrived to school " ohayo Diana " i said " oh ohayo kaito .... Ohayo Aoko :) Diana said with a smile " o-ohayo ....D-iana " Aoko said

Diana's POV

when Aoko told me good mornin i just felt its not as the good mornin as hers maybe she is mad at or at kaito idk why dont i ask her >....> " hey Aoko there is something???? wrong? " i asked " uh no no there isnt i am not in the mood today" she replied with a silly face " ah i almost forgot where were u yesterday " she asked me " um i dont remember actually :i why ? " i answered with a lie :^< " wierd i never knew that the detectives forgets anything "-" " she said " welll ... " while saying that luckily the bell rang and i continued with " oops the bell is ringing gotta go bye . . . . . . " then i left to the bathroom then i went to the class and found out " PLEASE GO ON DATE WITH ME KAITO PLEASE pLEASEEEEEEEE " Aoko said these words to Kaito i was totally freaked out but kaito noticed me standing there and then whithout a word i left again to to bathroom ,,,,,,,

CALM DOWN CALM DOWN THERE SHOULD BE A REASON FOR HER TO ASK HIM ON A DATE I MEAN ISNT IT WEIRD THAT THE GIRL ASKS THE BOY *-**-*-*- BUT what the hell is the reason i guessi must spy +=+ then i went back to the classroom normaly and acted like nuthin happen but i coudlnt hold myself maybe i should ask kaito anything to make him talk to me :/ " hey kaito whats up , got plans today ? " i asked " well i have to study and sleep early today i guess ;/ " he answerd then aoko came and told him " so u accept to go on date with me i mean i want someone to go out with... do u mind??" Aoko saiD

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