Chapter 4 : The heist of the Blood Diamond

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" So what are talking about that you dont want anyone hear it  :P ??"  Kaito asked when he walked while me and sonoko were whipering and murmuring  and i was TOTALY FROZEN but " nuthin we were just talking about how kaitou kid is going to steal the Diamond " sonoko said and she was TOTALLY  Lying anyways kaito said " o-okay " but i still feel that he dosnt belive us then i was totally scared if he had heard the whole convesation  then i heard Ran saying with loud voice " Sonoko , Diana come on its 7 and half come hurrrry up" we hurried

at car

 and we got into the car all of us then when we were driving to the party i told Sonoko " yo sonoko i noticed that you are wearing the best dress in ur inventory " i asked her with a grin then she said " of couse because i am going to see my FUTURE HUSBAND today so thats the reason L"D " shhe answerd coooly then i made a FACEPALM saying in mind "  omg dear soo hopeless :o first you wanted to flirt with kaito and now kid omg what NEXt :O XD "   i said with a hopeless  grin XD and Kaito looked at her with weird face ....and we finally arrived 

AT the heist place 

"oh where is my  husband?? :(( " sonoko said sadly    at the moment kaito looked at sonoko with amazement face  and he said in his mind " what future husband really i would like to marry Akako instead yeesshhh 0-o "  then kaito told me that he will go to the bathroom after 5 mins he came back then 4 secs and the light turned OFF everyone shouted saying "KAITOU KID KAITOU KID " then they started make the countdown 











then all the lights came back and there was a POOF at the top of the case that diamond is in it and after its gone we suddenly found Kid standing at its top and taking the jewel so cooly as there is no police then another one poofed and voila KID was Vanished then i thought that kid likes to be at the Roof's of the building then i told Shinichi and he told me okay you go first and i will come after you then i went upstairs i head walking voice then i rushed up 

at the roof 

i started looking everywhere to find that thief then i finally found him sitting in at the edge of the roof and with him a cute white pigeon i walked closer to him it was 1 meter between me and him he saw the moonlight through the diamond but it wasnt the pandora sadly then he came closer to me and kneeled to me as the propose style and took my hand and kissed it and said well its not the diamond i want at that moment Shinichi came to the roof while that Kid standed up and holded my hand to give me the diamond then he said " Farewell my Queen and same to you too detective Shinichi " 

then he was about to open his glider and fly i was getting ready to try to catch him so he opened it i threw the gem to shinichi and i tried to catch kid but i failed and while i was falling  i was getting ready that i will be smashed in that bad COLD DARK  TOUGH ground but luckliy kid came and catched me fastly then he flew with me in the Dark sky with the beatiful moonlight and he said " My Queen you was about to kill yourself :( "     " well i did wrongly i wanted just to catch you KID " i said with annoyed grin 

" Dear if you wanted to take a fly with be you can simply ask me and i will never refuse my Queen ;) " he said nicely and i was kinda blushed but i succeded in hidding it but he said " okay now its time to sleep :) i will arrive you home safely "      " wait what no no no i hate that dude just think about it i wont be able too sleep at night :_: -.- " i yelled at him and he said " okay okay no sleep i understood well here is your home goodbye i hope to have another fly with you dear :D " and he flew away 

then i felt sad and after a sec i made a great big Smile because ...... ( MEMORY TIME ) : while i was with kid i planted something on his Jacket to follow him and see where he is then ( memory is over back to present )    i opened the radar and i got his signal succesfully i smiled kinda evil one :I and i went to call Shinichi his phone rang 

SHI: oh hello

DIA : hii broo 

SHI: what are you okay ???

Dia: yeah yeah kid gave me a fly :I     then after saying that i heared sonoko saying WHAT MY HUSBAND IS CHEATING OMG OMG I CANT BREATH :O 

Shi: really ? 

Dia : oui , guess what :D 

Shi : what -_- ? 

DIa : i can see where he is at the RADAR

Shi : whhaaaatttt reallyy omg how you did that :O 

Dia : well while i was whith him i putted that thing that makes signals to the radar on his jacket and thats all see arent i a smartiee ? 

Shi : well good job ,,,,,, anyways its so easy job anyways )-( 

Dia : yeah yeah well now let me see where is him now ......

i opened the radar and i was totaly shocked becasue the signal disapeared :O 

Dia : um yo bro haha um okay i lost his signal i guess you envied me T0T 

Shin : well okay dosent matter i know there is going to be futur heists and more than one a chance 

Dia : i agree now bye i wanna to eat and TV  baii and COME OMG THE HEIST IS OVER COME ON NOW 

SHin : Well okay i will arrive home at 20 mins from now bye sis      and we closed 

i went to get food and see TV and while i was sitting on the couch  all i was thinking about is kid and how did tallked to me and how i lost his signal :/ well .......

( KID'S point of view ) : 

hmm i can hear wierd voice :? then i landed on a roof and see where is that voice i found out a thing that gives a radar signals " hahaha you could fool me but i won't be fooled alot like planting that on my jacket " KID said    and he tooked it away and smashed with his shoe and then he flew home  

( back to my point of view ) 

ohh i gotta find out anyways too tired to think i will sleep duhh .....

AYEEE MY FRIENDS liked the chapter ??????? well there is more of course but pleace tell me your opinins and some ideas to add 


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