Chapter 8 : Date or not?

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huh the next morning was saturday great that the heist is going to be on sunday bec thats my holiday anyways i woke up hardly of thinking what will happen if that kid losses i will be totaly done but i started to get um hope anyways i woke up and went downstairs and i saw letter from Shinichi tellin me that he is at RIchard's office and to come if i want ... then i said : well i will come if Kaito and Aoko wont hang with me :/ "  then i opend the TV  and got something to eat and started watching tv and eating ......... :3 then after 5 mins from doing that the door bells BING BONG BING BONG ... 

i opened and i saw Kaito i was a bit surprized bec its the fist time to see him coming alone to me :3 WEIRD any ways when i opened  he said : oh hey sorry i didnt tell u that i am comin he said      "oh no its okay so come in :D " i said with a smile        then he enterd i asked him if he wanted to drink anything but he replied with : um i was wondering if we could hang out a bit :/ ? " he said i was totally shocked as he never sounded like that before but i was happy its like ur crush is asking u out but i talked cooly and thx god i could control my blush this time .....

"yes sure , but why u didnt ask aoko btw ? i mean why me ? i mean ughh never mind " i said confusesy as i controled my blushing but i guess in return of loosing my abilty in talking probery XO    "ah well she wanted to go to prepare the heist of tomorrow with her dad so thats why i didnt ask her and i asked u bec i realised we have never hanged out together alone before :3 so u mind ?, if u mind i understand ordering u i am ..... " he said crearly but i cutted and said " okay i accept :) " i said quickly 

" R-R-Really cool so where u wanna go >>? " he asked    " anywhere if fine by me :) " i replied quitely     "okay how about the cinema? :3  " he suggested    " cinema ? are we going on date XD ? i asked     " oh i mean ...." he said uncrealy and luckly i noticed a bit blush on his face i am really confused :3 then i cutted him and said " hahahaha u fell for it easilyyy i was just teasing u XD and yeah Cinema is a good one " i said     " oh c'mon stop teasing me LIKE THATTT" he said in an emmbarssment way and i laughed and said " okay DARLING i will go get ready for our DATEE hehee" i said while laughing and running on the stairs but sadly while doing that kaito was playing on his phone and he called aoko wrongly and she heard me saying these words and she also heard kaito saying :

 okay babe  hurry up because i will miss you if u dont ......" then she closed the line when she heard all of that and stoped to word DONT then she said in her mind : why is that happenin i thought kaito would be only mine its all my falut for not to confess my love to him :'( should i stop trying on him or should i fight till the very end i dont know i dont know" then she started to cry ............. ; v   back to me and kaito :   then i got ready and then we went to the cinema the list of movies was fab he asked me which movie then i answered telling him MINIONSS  " ur such a kid -,- i though that u would say TITANIC :3 " he said       " dude MINIONS ROCKSS ! " i replied :D    " okay okay minions rocks now enter u big kid XD " he said then after we watched the movie we went to resturant to eat and then we took walks and we talked alot about ourselfs 

then when it was about 6:30 we sat on a brench to watch the sunset then when it became darker he asked me " um why is that look on ur face ? u didnt enjoy today ???" he asked worriedly      " no its not like that of course i liked the day today but the thing is that i am thinking of what will happen if Kaito Kid got caught  by that blode detective "  i answerd       " u kidding there is no way he could cath kid i mean he has been forever free and most of the famouse wise and smart detectives , inspectors , police men couldent even touch him, so u have nothing to worry about " he said calmly       " but he is soo smart i gotta admit it man its the very first time to wish that kid wins :/ " i said      " look everything is gonna be okay  haha if u want him to win just pray for him or meet him and make a deal with him :D " he said in a funny way

but i was thinking soo much about word Make deal with him ......        " i guess u r right thx for the day i hope we c-can make it again " i said        " anytime u need me i will always be there " he said gentely while me just sitting there blushing   then   " ah i forgot to ask u something ...." i said       " yeah , what is it? " he asked       " umm i was wondering that i havent met ur mom and ur dad yet where are they ?" i asked        " well mom is in france at the moment "   he answerd       " really cute my mom and dad are at france too now  ... how about ur father   " i asked          " father ? ah well he was murderd when i was 12 " he answerd with that i noticed a tear just droped from his eyes i blamed myself for asking such a questtion then i putted my hand on his hand gently and said " I-iam sorry for that .... um u know who is the one who killed him or u are searching or it was accedent ?    i asked again      " i am still searching........ " he replied quietly 

" tell me if i can help u searching or anything like that " i offerd       " thx " he said then after a min we stand up to go our homes while we were walking he noticed that i was a bit freezing so he holded my hand and he said " i can feel that u are really freezing " then he stoped and holded my both hands near to his mouth and started to blow warm and gentel air in my hands i was shocked but soo happy and that made my love meter increased  then after that he asked me if i am still feelin cold or its good and i replied by thx the thank is to u :) then infront of my home i suddenly gave him a gentel kiss  on the cheek and told him " i really enjoyed the day thx and good night and then i ran in my home 


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