chapter 3 : new school new friends

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beeem beem beeem beeeem beeeeeeem " oh that IDIOT alarm " i said annoyed while putting my face in the pillow  and then i punched the alam 's clossing buttom " a-aahh finally that thing shutted up -o- " i said while yawinning then i was about to take little nap i rememberd that i HAVE NEW SCHOOL i got up fast then i went to wake up Shinichi and then i went to the bathroom i brushed my teeth and washed my face then i went to kitchen ate the breakfast and went to wear the new uniform and made my hair very high ponytail and i took my bag and went to Shinichi finding HIM STILL SEARCHING FOR A GOOD SHOE then i looked at him annoyed then he finally found it it was 6:40 i hurried him up and we went to the street 

At the street

while we was walking and then suddenly out of nowhere we found sonoko and ran comming towards us so i told them " good morning so why you are both up too early like that? " i asked    " well we didnt want to miss your walking for the first day of your new school " sonoko said excited :D    " oh thank you guys :"D " i said 

At the school 

we walked then when i entered the new school everyone came to take pics and autographes and etc and i found that everyone around them so i felt FAB but i was about to say havent you seen any famous person before its like i wish i were a normal person but for sec of thinking 

i said haha i am lucky to have people likes me :D  then the bell rang  RING RING RING RING then everyone said bye to me then they disapeared -.- " haha thats how you treat a famous detective ? XD  well lemme search for my class " hmm while i was walking i pombed in someone   " i am soo so so-sorry i didnt notice you i was wondering about somethi-- " then i noticed its kaito " hahaha its okay so your the new studen huh ? " he asked   " ah yes i am " i reblied shyly cuz i didnt see him 2nd time 1 with car and 2 in now 0.0  " so where is your class ? "   he asked   " its 2 - B "  i answerd    " oi oi this is my class well come follow me " he said happily :D

in the Class 

we enterd the class and i found everyone is with his / her friends and then i noticed some gossips boy 1 : look at her pretty hair :O  boy 2 : i think she is more pretty than Akako girl 1 : Omg she is like the model's hight and cute then me and Kaito stand and talked about things then i saw behind him a MOP ??? then i told him " um kaito i guess you reaallly need to look behind YOU " then he looked behind him and he started making wierd moves to dodge from this evil MOP then i looked at that girl but idk where i saw her then the teacher came 

everyone sat in their seats and i was the only one standing then the teather told me" please come here Diana" i came to her then she said "please my students welcome Diana Kudo the new transfered student Diana your seat is beside Kaito kuroba there " she said and i went to the seat and puted my bag there and before i sit i told her " thank you so much mrs :) " i told that very politely and sat down then i noticed that everyone is gossiping " omg kaito is really lucky " and alot of gossiping it was wierd but it didnt bother me 

so after the class while i was preparing the bag to go to the break then i found Kaito and that MOP girl with him then he told me " hey Diana i forgot to tell you Aoko's name Sorry :D well Aoko this is Diana Kudo , Diana this is Aoko Nakamori "   he said     " so hi wanna go to the break with us ? " Aoko asked nicely 

At the break 

 then i went with them to the break and i started to eat my food but while i am eating food i saw  Aoko got a fish OUT OF HER BAG and then when Kaito saw the fish his face turned RED and his eyes and mouth got like this  OoO then i putted my hand on kaito's forhead and  he was like SCHOOOL IS ON THE FIRE-EE then i realised that he has a phobia of Fishes then i saaw aoko making the fish getting clooser to him clooser to him 

and when the fish was about 50 cm far from him Kaito moved like as he saw the ghost of the death i giggled but i feelt bad about him i mean she is making him a joke infront of his friendss so i went to defend Kaito then i told  "Aoko oh dont you think that he is soo poor i mean he has a phobia you can make it worse :/ " i said while that kaito was hidding behind me then the bell rang and everything became normal then ........ the School day was over 

i was backing my things then kaito and aoko said hey wanna walk home with us? i said suRe :D i was really glade to have friends like those 2 


while walking i told them lets go to titian school first to get my old friends and my bro with them then we walked to the titian everyone said i misss you diana why you left and things like that then i saw my bro and sonoko and ran comming towards us " OMG its Shinichi omg " Aoko said  that with LOVING face then i facepalmed Saying in mind " SIs i dont want u to have crush on him bec ran stole him already XD " 

then they came to us and i introduced my new friends to them then we were walking home and Aoko said "hey guys are you comming to Kaito kid's heist today ??? "    then we all said " Sure" and i said " i will never give up till i know that identity of that THIEF " i said that with evil      kaito was kind of worried bec i am a hard detective so he said to himself " i really must do plan B if something bad happend  but what happend i must not forget about my POKERFACE :I  " and then i said " yo kaito what are you thinking so much of  huh??? " i asked curioused   " uh nuthing much " he said 


then we arrived homes then i went to my room to see what am i going to be wearing today ........ maybe i will wear that white short dress and that leather black jacket :I and those sandals are good i will make my hair down and i will put diamond neckless  and those little earings then i putted the outfit on a chair then i checked the clock its 4 and the heist is at 8 well i will eat snack and take a nap -.- 

after the nap i woke up and i found it 7 o'clock i said to my self Just in the right time i started to get dressed then after that i went down to Shinichi i found sonoko wearing cute dress and ran wearing cute outfit and then the bell ring DING DONG DING DONG i opend up i found it aoko and Kaito i welcomed them then i noticed the Kaito is looking at  me like he never saw me before i got confused then asked him " sooo what you think of my outfit Kaito? "    then he said "i like it soo much o/////o " then i noticed while he was saying his opinion he was blushing a little then when i noticed that little blush i blushed too i couldnt hold myself then i said i will go get something :D :I 

then i noticed that Sonoko NOticed my blush while looking at him the prove is that she is following me then she saidd " soooo how u doin with that cute guy down there? "     " welll nuthing i guess he is not single i can see that he and aoko are couples -.- "   i reblied   " weelll why were you blushing when you were looking at him huh ? i can guess that someone has a CRUSHH :O "   she said with excitement  then i told her " SUUSHH SOMEONE MAY HEAR US  okay okay i agree he is cute but SHHUUSHH now " i demanded her " well Dia if you dont want him i will flirt with him then :D " Sonoko said    " WHAT DID YOU SAY O-o " i kinda shouted       "  well well i guess you likes him by saying those words right?? " sonoko asked   " Duuuh he is with Aoko of course :I and now SHHHH someone can hear usss " i reblied then i found suddenly Kaito here  " so what are you talking about and dont want anyone to hear ?????? "  Kaito asked us 

HEllo ladies and gentelmen chapter 3 is over i hope you liked it :D please tell me your opinions and dont miss the rest of the chapters i update fastly :D ok bye guyssss 


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