Chapter 6 : Another Detective?!!

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the day started when i woke up and suddenly found Shinichi is talking with high voice in the phone i was totally annoyed    


" hey hey Saguru i really Missed you old friend :) " SHin said 

" hai hai i missed you  too  bro , Guess what :D " Saguru said 

" What? " SHin Asked 

" i am came from London YESTERDAAYY :D " Sagu said

" Wow really i am so happy to see you again so what the reaason for you to come to tokyo? " SHin said 

" well i am here in tokyo just to meet Kaitou Kid the popular phantom Thief and tell the whole world his true identity " Sagu said with excitement 

" hahaha good luck but i guess he is the most complicated case all the detectives gonna have " Shin said

" what why is that ?? " Sagu asked 

" well because that thief has been free before i was born and untill now and maybe he will be free forever and me and Diana and all the detective in tokyo plus the inspector Nakamori been trying to catch him but there was no way to do we always fail with that thief "  shin said

" haha welll i will try my best and good luck for you and your sister " sagu said 

" well okay thanks ok i gotta wake her now bye call ya later " SHin said 

then they closed after that shin came to wake me up then he told me that saguru has arrived from london to tokyo " and oh i forgot to tell him to come to dinner tonight " shin said     " well i already told my friends about a dinner tonight .-. " i said      " well how about they both have dinner tonight " shin suggested  " well fine  " i replied      " and how about get ran and sonoko too its would be a great chance to know saguru , am i right ?" Shin asked    " i am with you and haha it would be a chance seeing sonoko flirting with saguru XDD " i answerd   " so hurry wear your uniform or you will be late on school " he said    " FINE >_> btw you act motherly sometimes  XD "  i replied   "...... haha soo funny -.- " he said with wierd laugh anyways i woke up washed my face and i brushed my teeth and got ready for school then i went to it 


hey diana have you heard about the new student ? " aoko asked                                                                              huh what new student never heard of it :I " i answerd                                                                                                      they say that he was transfred from london .... and they say he is a detective like you ....... " kai said     detective huh hmm ..... " i said        " maybe he is saguru duuh i wish not -.- i really think that guy kinda umm being mean to cute girls like me XD duuh am i cute :O pop yes i am :D " said in mind             oohh i am really excited to meet the new student" aoko said    ..... then the bell rang and we went to the class .....

(classs ) 

the teacher came and said well students i would like you to meet the new student please come in          then he came and as i expected its saguru  :[]   " hello my name is saguru and i came from london nice to meet you all :D " he said nicely      then i heard girl saying ohh he is sooo cuteee ,,, i wish i could marry him,,,, ouuuhhh    and alot of these words any ways the teacher told him that his seat beside aoko  

( KAITO POV ) : 

" omg a detective beside me and infront of me omg i am dead :O i guess i should be alerted and carefull duuh al of that to know the truth :"O i will just be cool and normal and never forgets my POKERFACE " he said in mind :/

( back to my pov) 

then he sat infrontt of me then at the end of the class he came to me and said haii Dina how are you long time noo see :D " he said       " well haii and my name is diana not dina and fine thank you by the way Shinichi is inviting you tonight to dinner " i ordered    "well okay sorry diana i dont know why i forget its diana  welll okay i am comin :P " he said while he blushed from the embaresing ....  then i saw kaito telling me can i talk to you in um private? i went with him while noticing aoko is talking and laughing with saguru ...

" so is he comin for dinner ? " kai asked    " well yeah i guess so :3 " i answerd    " why you are asking you dont like him huh? " i asked in curuois way :3   " welll kinda :/ he acts like kings sometimes :? " he answerd   " oh finally someone understands my vison " i said happily     then noticed kaito's blushed   " but he is not bad after all right ??? " he asked       " i agree :D so dont forget the dinner tonight btw ran and sonoko will be there too my bro wants them  to know saguru  .......     "  i said       " okay lets she what are they talkin bout " he suggest while that he was holding my hand to go then i was blushing overload 


hahaha look at them aoko ... arent they are too matchable for eachother ?? " sagugu said with giggling       " well if you guess so " she replied coldly  while looking at diana and kaito with a wird jealousy look ,,       " GEEZ i guess she likes kaito oh thats wierd i am noticing that diana and aoko has an eye for that boy AHH " he said in his mind      " soo  are you going to be at that dinner???? "  i asked aoko     " y-yeah saguru i  will be why are you asking ? " aoko asked          " well i had something to do at the dinner time but if you are coming i  am sure i will come too :)  " i flirted with her and she blushed alot then Diana and Kaito showed up then i acted cooly again .............

okay i hope you liked that chapter wait the next chapter to see what will happen next byeeee



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