Chapter 5 : hanging out day

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Begining of the day it was Sunny , good weather , comfortable bed , and peaceful sleeping and the Important no Alarm ^-^ ......WAIT WHAT NO ALRAM :O WHAAT TODAY IS SCHOOL OMG i woke up shocked i looked at the alarm and found its 8 o'clock " omg i never did that before why that brother didnt wake me up :OOO " i said then i found Aoko's shouting my name ........ i looked and then " hey Diana wake up you sleeply bun " she yelled " hey shouldnt you two be at school .-. ? " i said suprized " Huh ? today is holiday :I " Kaito answerd " so well you hang out with us ?" Aoko asked "y-yeah sure i will get ready come wait me inside " i said

then they enterd i went to see Shinichi i found him sleeping so i decided to let him in peace then i went upstairs to see what to wear then i picked black top and white skinny jeans and red sneakers and made my hair side low ponytail then i went to bathroom and brushed my teeth and i went to Shin's room and wrote him a letter

( the letter >-> ) : hey i am hanging out with Kaito and Aoko ok ? call me when u r up.... Dia

then i went to them and went out

in street :

" so guys where are we going ? " i asked " well we are going to koishikawa Korakuen and then Akihabara and then TOKYO DOME CITY :D " Aoko said cheerfully " and how are we gonna go to all these FAR places :I ????? " i asked " of couse by bus ^_^ " Aoko said " why bus i have a car :I " i said " really you have :o oh i didnt know :D XD well okay " Aoko said then we enterd the car when we enterd the car kaito was totaly bored and silent as he sat at the back ....

( at car ) " so kaito why the wierd silence ? " i asked " o-oh um nothing " he replied coldly " no no really somthing happend? or what ? " i asked again .... " no really nuthin happend i am just feeling sleeply that AHOKO Waked me up too early i am totaly sleeply " he replied while yawning " well your at the back so you are able to take a nap its going to be long time till we arivve to Koishikawa Korakuen :) " i told him with smile " really thank yew finally sleeping ^-^ " he said happily

and when he was anou to lay on the couch of the car Aoko yelled and said " WAit here no one is going to sleep you have to be awake BEKAITO :O " then Kaito looked at her annoyed " Aoko it wont harm a small nap for him bec its going to be a long time till we arrive :/ " i said nicely " UGHH FINE " she said then after 15 mins i received a phone when i cheeked it , it was my bro .... i answerd .......

Dia : hello

Shi : hai where are you

Dia: umm we are in a very boring traffic :/

Shi : where are you going guys

Dia : koishikawa Korakuen and Akihabara and then tokyo dome City :)

Shi : omg thats far i guess you will come the next month XD anyways can i tell you to get me some stuff :I ?

dia: ugh what you need ?

Shi : ok lemme see i want a cake half choco and half vanillia and 5 chickens and 5 KG meat and 1 coke and 1 7up and ice creams and macaroni and 4KG Rice and 3 KG Fishes and that set :D

Dia : -.- want me to get the whole supermarket with me ? >_<

Shi : really , oh c'mon its for this month -.- ok hang then go get this stuff and come okay bye ...

Dia : bai

then we closed ......

" wew its really alot of things >0< " Aoko said " yeah i know bec we cook alot and this is just for 1 month :D " i replied :D " wew we are getting close to Koishikawa Korakuen :D " she said " yeah " i said

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