Chapter 6

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I put a bandaid over my burn. It blistered up and I didn't want it to pop and get infected. I walked back in as room and was greeted with a "HANNAH COME OVER HERE!!!" I walked over to the group of girls hunched over my laptop. I made my way to the front. I saw Chad was back. He said something that I didn't hear over my friends laughing. He rose from his desk turned around and attempted twerking. I burst out laughing. "Your not doing it right! I can do it better then you!" I teased. I knew what he was doing so I played along. He stopped and turned around.
"Then show me."
"But everyone's around..."
I got up. My friends parted like the Red Sea, Chad and his friends hovered around the camera. My friends joined me 10 feet from my laptop. We turned around. We all started laughing. I couldn't believe I was doing this. We didn't actually twerk because we knew that they were most likely recording this. We started messing around and dancing randomly. I dropped and started crying because I was laughing. Chad pouted because I didn't do it. The guys signed off so they could play video games. We had a pillow fight. Well it wasn't really a pillow fight we just threw pillows at each other as we made our beds on the floor. I texted Chad, night going to bed love you.
We stayed up a little later and Abbie fell asleep. The rest of us started falling asleep too. All I remember is that before I fell asleep Tamryn and Serina were still awake.

Just for the SummerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora