Chapter 8

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Chad and I walked to the edge of my bed and sat there. Stratton and Kaleah found their way to the recliner nearby where I always did my homework and FaceTimed Chad. They smushed together, bodies pressing against eachother. I heard a faint hum as I leaned my head in Chads strong shoulder. He wrapped that arm around me pulling me closer. I could see what the hum was coming from. A red sports car whipped into the driveway. I couldn't see who it was. They disappeared. Chad rose to go see it was. I walked with him. We got to the door and my friend Madi. She seems very angry. She pulled the doors open and stormed passed Chad and I.
"Did you know what Abbie and Zach snuck into my house. I heard them leave. They slammed the door and woke me up. I don't know what they were doing but I know that Abbie was over here last night."
I closed the doors as she spoke. Madi wasn't very scared of Madi but I was terrified not knowing where they were.
"Well they're not her so stop being rude and just leave," Chad spoke. He always was trying to protect me. I touched his arm, silently telling him to calm down.
"What time was that?"
"Like a few hours ago."
"Well they still haven't been back. We don't know where they are."
Madi walk out shutting the doors to the balcony, climbing down the latter, sprinting to her car.
I leaned in to Chad. I was getting a headache and just wanted to go back to sleep. He moved his hand from his pocket to my waist. I glanced down at Serina and Bodi. They had fell asleep together. They looked so cute. I knelt down and woke them up. I filled Serina in. She didn't seem worried.
"I saw her sneak out and drive off with Zach in his truck."
"Well that doesn't help us at all," Tamryn said.
"That would have been useful a long time ago," Kaleah and Stratton said that the same time.
"Why do you guys look so worried?" I look led up Zach and Abbie stood in the doorway.
I ran over to her and hugged her. Tamryn, Kaleah, and Serina ran after me. Zach moved out of the way before he got stuck in the group hug.

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