Chapter 10

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After we got ready Chad drove us to his house so he could change cars. He parked his truck and went for his car. Stratton and Zach got in there own cars. Chad changed the music station to country. I bobbed my head mumbling the words, I didn't like singing loud enough for Chad to hear. In the 8th grade I told him I was better at signing. I haven't proved it yet.
Chad looked at me. "You know you don't have to mumble the words." He placed his hand on my knee.
"I know. I'm just thinking"
"Your always thinking."
"No, I was thinking we could spend a few weeks at the beach house." Chad loved watching me swim in the ocean. I loved watching his surf.
"That would be cool. A huge sleepover at the beach house." Chad looked and sounded excited.
I texted Abbie and Kaleah letting them know. Chad turned the music up. Abbie called me. Naturally Zachs car was louder then Chads.
"We're going to the Hamptons?!"
"Yeah. I'm so thinking a in a few weeks."I reached to turn the music down knowing Abbie was doing the same thing.
"Okay." I heard her start laughing. I figured Zach started tickling her or said something funny.
We hung up. Chad turned the music back up as I put my feet on his dash. We spend most our summers together like this. Driving, music turned up, holding hands, and my feet on the dash.

We arrived at the mall. Chad and I were the first ones there. We waited a few minutes as they parked next to us. We sat in the cars getting are stuff. I turned my head to see Stratton and Kaleah making out. I got out and tapped his window. They stopped and looked up at me. I started walking and caught up with Chad. Stratton and Kaleah got out and walked behind us. We stopped to wait for Abbie to run to us, she forgot her phone.

Just for the SummerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora