That Time When... Ross Tried To Be Nice

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"So, I was thinking, seeing as how we're the only singles in this village we should have a girls night out," said Chas Dingle as she placed a glass of chilled Prosecco  in front of Ollie. "Show a united front and all that. What d'you say?"

It was lunchtime and everyone at Home Farm had been busy with work or out for the day, so Ollie had popped into the pub for a quiet drink. Other than spending time with the horses there really wasn't much else to do. She had been in Emmerdale almost two weeks and she was wondering if it were time to head back home to London. The break had served her well and she felt a lot stronger than when she'd arrived.

"Sounds like a plan," Ollie replied with a smile. She had no idea why she and Chas, who part-owned The Woolpack along with Diane Sugden, got along as well as they did, they were like chalk and cheese; but after discovering their mutual taste for the 'wrong kind of men' they had clicked almost immediately. "Where do you have in mind?" she asked taking a sip of wine.

"Well, there's nowhere around here. Leeds maybe? Make a proper night of it," Chas said as Aaron came through from the back.

"I'm up for that," Ollie nodded.

"What's this?" Aaron asked as he came around the bar, pulling up the zipper on his hooded sweatshirt.

"Night out for the village singletons," explained Chas.

Aaron smiled at Ollie. "Hope you know what you're letting yourself in for. I've had nights out with this one. They never end well. So don't say I didn't warn you."

"Oh, that's a nice thing to say about your mum, innit?" Chas complained, one hand on hip. "Besides, you always have fun when we go out. Where you going anyway?"

"For a run. See you later."

"You run far too much," she told him as he left. "Just watch what you're doing."

"Yes, mum," he sighed, the pub doors banging shut after him.

Chas gave her head a shake and looked at Ollie. "Kids. They bring such joy," she said making Ollie smile.

* * * * *

Twenty minutes later Ollie was leaving The Woolpack as Mr. Rude was on his way in. She held back from rolling her eyes. She really couldn't escape this guy.

"How do, gorgeous," he said with that annoying smirk of his, to which she replied with that look she was fond of giving him, as she swept by in a cloud of expensive perfume. "Rushing off so soon? Hope it wasn't something I said."

"Don't flatter yourself."

Ross smirked. He wondered what it was about him that wound her up. Whatever, he was enjoying getting under her skin. Maybe a bit too much. He wouldn't mind getting under her skin a bit more. Her long hair swept out behind her as her heels clicked against the concrete. She looked as good going as she did coming. Making an appreciative 'ooh' face he called after her.

"How about you let me buy you a drink?"

Ollie stopped in her tracks and swung round. "Excuse me?" she asked with an incredulous stare.

"A drink. You and me. In here."

"And why would I want to have a drink with you?"

"Ouch." He clutched dramatically at his chest and she rolled her eyes. But the fact that she was still stood there made him curious. Normally she'd have flounced off by now. "Thing is, I think you and me got off on the wrong foot."

"You think?"

"Yeah. So how about I apologise and buy you a drink."

"So apologise."

Emmerdale : Bleeding Love (Ross Barton/OFC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now