That Time When... Circle Of Friends

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After Chrissie had parked and locked the car, she and Ollie made their way across the street towards Bob's café, just as the sound of loud female laughter rang out from further down the road. Ross and Carly were leaving his house, and although Ollie had no right to feel bothered that he had spent the night with her, she was. It was just all so ridiculous and pointless, because Ross wanted her, and the only thing stopping her from having him was herself.

He had one arm slung around Carly's shoulders as he whispered in her ear, and whatever he was saying was the reason behind her laughter; and Ollie felt her stomach sink. He used to make her laugh like that. Funny...she hadn't laughed like that since him.

She told herself to turn away, but it was like watching a car accident, you knew it was wrong to stand back and watch, but you felt powerless to look away. It was also hard for her to not remember everything they had shared. What he had meant to her. Her best friend. The one who had brought her back to life after she had felt nothing for so long. Until she ruined everything by running away.

Chrissie followed her sister's gaze to the necking couple across the street. Her lip curling up in distaste. "Come on, we don't need to see that. Let's get inside." She tugged on her sister's arm and Ollie allowed herself to be lead away, but she still couldn't take her eyes off Ross and he chose that exact moment to peel himself away from Carly's ear.

He stalled when he saw Ollie staring back at him. Neither of them wanted to be caught staring, but neither could turn away. But then came his slow smirk and he pulled Carly closer, planting a kiss on her lips, and because she knew it was purely for her benefit Ollie finally found the strength to look away.

"Actually, Chrissie," she said to her sister. Her tone dull. "I need to drop in on Rhona. I'll meet you inside."

"I'll get the coffee," Chrissie said. "Don't be long."

Ollie nodded and disappeared down the road towards Rhona and Paddy's surgery, unaware that Ross was watching her go with a heavy feeling in his chest. Carly was still hanging onto him for all her life's worth and suddenly he wasn't into it - or her - anymore.

Watching until Ollie disappeared from sight, and trying to drown out Carly's incessant chatter the best he could, Ross uncurled his arm from around her shoulder, putting some distance between them. Not that she noticed.

He had put on a good show.

But it was done now.

* * * * *

Five minutes later Ollie left the vets, grateful that Rhona was happy to keep sending work her way. There had been a lengthy discussion about wages, but she had managed to convince Rhona that she didn't require any form of payment. She was just more than happy to offer her services whenever they were needed.

As she made her way towards the café she sent Chrissie a quick text telling her she was on her way, when she noticed Ross still hanging around - Carly was nowhere to be seen - and she wondered if he had been waiting for her. She still felt bad about the last time they'd talked. After all, it wasn't Ross's fault she was messed up emotionally, anymore than it was her fault he was a player. Given what she had just witnessed with Carly, she didn't need to be anymore convinced of that.

She hurried towards the café, putting a little extra into her step and trying not to make eye contact with him; but he began to walk towards her and she immediately felt nervous and irritated. He arrived at the café before she did, but didn't go inside, and she bit back a sigh. Realising there was no escape this time she had no choice other than to acknowledge him.

"Not now, Ross. I'm really not in the mood for another fight," she told him. He had his hands buried deep inside the pockets of his bomber jacket and he gave her a jerk of his shoulders.

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