That Time When... Ollie Was Curious

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A yawning Chrissie came inside the kitchen that Friday morning and found her sister already at the breakfast table, dressed and ready for a new day, scrolling through messages on her phone. Ollie looked up and smiled as Chrissie dropped down into the chair opposite.

"Good morning," Ollie greeted as she reached for the coffee jug.

"Good morning." Chrissie was still yawning. "Oh, excuse me. You're awfully chirpy."

"A good nights sleep will do that to a girl."

"Lucky you. I'm glad, you need it. Me, I didn't sleep a wink. I've three meetings to get through today aswell."

"Then you're going to need this." Ollie poured just the right amount of cream into the coffee and slid the cup towards her sister.

Chrissie took a sip and quietly groaned. "You're the only one that knows exactly how I like my coffee," she sighed. "Robert tries. But it's always vile. Don't tell him I said that."

Ollie smiled and picked up her own cup. "I'll share my secret technique with him before I leave." She paused only briefly. "Can I pick your brains?"

"I never liked that term, but yes, pick away."

"What do you know about a guy from the village, dark hair, works at the garage...Ross? I think his name is," she asked, about as subtly as she could.

"Barton. Local thug. Bad news. Why are you asking?"

"Just curious," shrugged Ollie.

"Hmm." Chrissie eyed her over the rim of the cup. "Stay away from him."

"Yes, mother."

"I'm serious, Ollie."

"Small village, sis. Staying away from anyone is a task in itself."


"Is he involved with anyone?"

Chrissie's eyes narrowed further as she lowered the cup. "Why?"

Ollie chuckled at her sister's expression. "Always so suspicious. I'm just asking."

"He was involved with someone but she died."

"Oh." Ollie was genuinely shocked. "That's...God, that's awful."

"Hmm. I don't think they were together long when it happened. He seemed to clean up his act when he was with her. Then again she was a police officer. Although it didn't take long for him to return to his old ways after." Chrissie put the cup down and rested her elbows on the table as she surveyed her sister. "I know that look," she said.

"What look?"

"Please tell me you're not interested in him."

Ollie smiled a little as she reached for another slice of toast. She was definitely interested in Ross Barton and it had nothing to do with the tingles she felt the day he had touched her. Although she had to admit they had been very nice; which she found odd, because he was so far removed from her usual type. It was his attitude towards her she found the most fascinating. One moment he was rude and arrogant and the next making jokes and flirting with her. There was definitely something about him. She just didn't know what it was. Yet.

"I won't lie, you always said I was the worst you knew anyway," she said. "I'm intrigued by him."

Chrissie rolled her eyes. "Can you not? Ollie, I'm sure he has a criminal record as long as your arm and if he hasn't, he will have soon enough. The man is a loathsome worm."

"And you're a snob."

"Maybe I am. But should you require a second opinion go ask around the village. Everyone will tell you the same. He's trouble with a capital T."

"Hmm." Ollie tapped her fingernails against the cup. "Why is he even living in a place like Emmerdale anyway?"

"Every village needs an idiot."

"Chrissie," Ollie reprimanded. "I just meant there's not much work around here and there's certainly nothing in the way of social activity."

"Hence why he's forever in trouble."

"He can't be all bad. Does he have family here?"

"Yes, from what little I know his father and two brothers settled in the village and he followed suit." There was a pregnant pause. "Please tell me this isn't the reason you've had a change of heart about leaving this weekend? Because as much as I would love you to stay longer, if you're planning on getting involved with Ross Barton I'd sooner you return to London."

Ollie laughed. "Thanks for the love, sis. But I think I might give it a few more days if that's okay."

She had been planning on leaving the very next day but in truth there was no great rush for her to go back home. Her job working with Mark's brother was safe and her flat was all secure and locked up. She would have to go back at some point, though. After all, she was yet to sort out the finer details of her father's estate and the decision on whether or not to sell his vast property was not one she wanted to make quickly or lightly.

"You know you can stay as long as you want. Indefinitely if you wish. I love having you around." Chrissie reached for her younger sister's hand and gave it a squeeze. "But, please, do your big sister a favour and - "

"Stay away from Ross Barton," Ollie cut her off. "Got it."

"I know you're listening but are you paying attention?"

"Do you even know me?" teased Ollie.

Chrissie only sighed but she couldn't help from smiling at her little sister. For now she would let it go. But she would definitely keep an eye on it. The last thing her little sister needed was to get involved with the likes of Ross Barton. She'd already been burned by Mark, but where he was trouble in the sense that he was a player, Ross Barton was a different kettle of fish all together.

He would bring the kind of trouble that her little sister definitely did not need.

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[Bleeding Love] COPYRIGHT. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Debra Jay 2015

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