That Time When... I Make You Laugh, You Make Me Horny

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"I'm leaving early tomorrow, Olivia. There's more snow forecast and you know how I hate to drive in bad weather. I'd love for you to spend Christmas with me. Please say you'll think about it. Would you at least do that for me?"

Would you at least do that for me?

Would you?

Ollie could only stare at Mark, unable to respond with anything more than a half-hearted nod. They were outside The Grange, Chrissie and Robert had since left and Mark had asked her to stay behind so they could talk in private. He had, of course, invited her up to his room, it's warm and we can get comfortable, but she knew what 'get comfortable' implied and wasn't about to put herself in that position. After their talk, he kissed her on the cheek and disappeared into the B&B and she stood there with tears of regret pricking at her eyelids. How had it come to this? She had loved him. Deeply. Even thought he was 'The One'. But his womanising ways meant it just wasn't to be. Her insides felt as numb as her feet and as she looked up at the inky black sky, she realised it was snowing again. She supposed she should move. She was about to take her car keys from her bag when she saw Ross. He was leaning up against the pub wall, watching her.

"Bathroom stalker, peeping tom," she said, her breath coming out in frosty puffs. "There really are no end to your talents."

"It's all about applying yourself." He walked over to her, hands deep in his jacket pockets. "You've been crying."

"No, I haven't."

"Yeah. You have." He reached up to wipe his thumb beneath her eye and she sighed. "Don't let him pull you back. You're too good for him, Ollie. You deserve someone way better."

"Someone like you, I suppose?" she asked.

"Why not me? I make you laugh, you make me horny. We're an unstoppable force."

In spite of her melancholy mood she smiled. "Well, that is true," she said. It was hard to feel down when he was around. The snow was coming down fast and heavy now and he reached up to brush snowflakes from her hair.

"C'mon, it's freezing." He offered her his arm. "There might be a can of beer and some leftover pizza back at mine."

"You really do know how to spoil a girl," she said linking her arm through his.

They walked the short distance to his house, the snow crunching beneath their feet. Once inside, stamping the snow from their shoes, they peeled off their jackets and hung them over the staircase banister. Ross turned up the heating, before grabbing the last can of beer and pizza from the fridge.

"Where is everyone?" Ollie asked as she settled herself on the sofa.

"Finn's at some gay club, Pete's spending the night at Debbie's and I think me Dad's up at Butlers. So," he added with a grin, eyebrows wiggling, "we're all alone."

"Now there's a scary thought," she said. He dropped the pizza box onto the coffee table and she leaned over to take a slice.

"No need to be scared. I'm not gonna do anything you don't want me to. And we both know you want me to," he added giving her a flirty wink.

Ollie snorted through her laughter. "You're so pathetic."

"But so hot."

"Whatever you have to tell yourself." She held out her hand for the beer, drank a mouthful and handed it back to him. He smirked at her. "What?"

"You, guzzling beer from a can. For all your airs and graces."

"Well, you make lacking refinement look so easy. Thought I'd give it a whirl."

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