That Time When... Ross Had Hope

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Early that same evening Finn and Ross were in The Woolpack having a quiet beer. Quiet being the operative word. Ross hadn't had much to say - shocker in itself - and in the half hour they'd been there he hadn't stopped checking his watch or his phone. Let alone the fact that every time the door opened he was looking up to see who came through it.

Finn sighed. "Am I really that boring?" he asked his brother.

Ross looked up from his pint to give him a frown. "What?"

"If you have somewhere else to be, don't let me stop you. I can always sit with Vic," he said jabbing a thumb over his shoulder to where Victoria was at the bar with Robert.

"What time is it?" Ross grabbed Finn's arm and shoved his sleeve up, checking the time on his brother's watch and Finn tutted at the invasion of personal space.

"I think you'll find it's the exact same time as yours," he said as he readjusted his sleeve. Ross huffed and took a swig of his pint. "Alright, what's going on?"

"Nothing. Just - " Ross broke off, thinking better of it. Shook his head. "Forget it."

"So why do you keep checking the door every thirty seconds? Seems to me you're waiting for someone."

"Not anymore," Ross muttered and then realising his mistake shot his brother a hot glare. "If you must know, I was meant to be meeting Ollie. Happy now?" he added sharply.

"That's all you had to say," Finn sniffed. "Only, y'know, maybe not quite as rude."

"Whatever," Ross muttered and picked up his phone to check for messages.

"You're like a dog with a bone. She's probably just running late."

Just then the pub doors opened and Ross looked up to see Ollie come inside and he immediately perked up. Finn gave his brother a sweet but heavily sarcastic smile.

"Aww, look at you. Like a little puppy excited to see his owner."

But the humour was lost on Ross, because his attention was focused on Ollie. She had come in with Chrissie, and they were followed by a tall, poncey looking bloke that Ross didn't recognise. But clearly they all knew one another. The bloke was attempting a conversation with Ollie but she looked disinterested.

"About time." Robert turned as his fiancée leaned in for a peck on the cheek. "Take a wrong turn or something?"

Chrissie lifted both eyebrows in Ollie's direction. "Mark met us on the way in," she told him. "I had to convince her not to drive back home."

"Well, you're here now. I'll get the drinks," Robert said, giving Chas a nod. "Chas, when you're ready, same again for me and Vic, one Merlot, one Prosecco and, Mark, what you having, mate?"

"Just a bottle of light beer, I think. Thanks," Mark replied.

"Coming up," said Chas and made a start on the drinks order.

Ross was paying close attention to the bloke and to Ollie's reactions. Whoever this bloke was Ollie wasn't a big fan. His eyes narrowed when the bloke moved closer to place a hand almost possessively on the small of her back. She visibly flinched and moved away from him. Ross wondered who this new face was and, more to the point, what he was doing with Ollie.

"Looks like you've been stood up," Finn said. He couldn't help admiring the guy Ollie was with. Blonde, handsome. Dapper looking. If there was one thing Finn appreciated, it was a well dressed bloke.

Ross didn't say anything. He was still watching Ollie and the ponce; when finally she looked his way and, giving him a smile, excused herself from the group.

"Evening, boys," she said to both him and Finn.

"Ollie. Fancy seeing you here," Finn said sliding Ross a sly look.

"I'm afraid I have to cancel our planned drink together." She gave Ross an apologetic smile. "Unexpected visitor."

"So I see," he replied. He nodded at the bloke, feeling his jaw clench. "So who is he?"

From the other side of the room Ollie could hear Mark's voice as he made a joke with Robert and the two of them began laughing. Chrissie had since walked away and was now sitting at the table behind, sipping her wine and rolling her eyes at the two of them.

"Mark. He's my ex," she explained.

"Right," said Ross. Of course he was. His jaw set further. "What's he doing here then?"

"I'm not entirely sure," said Ollie. It was a little white lie but she didn't want to get into it in the middle of the pub. "So can we do this another night? I'll make it up to you. Few drinks, takeaway back at mine..." She gave him a smile and he nodded.

"Yeah. Whatever. Sounds good. Text me."

"I will. Enjoy the rest of your night."

After she'd left to rejoin her sister, Ross sighed and swallowed down a long drink of beer. He could feel Finn's amused gaze on him. "Don't even," he warned his kid brother. But Finn being Finn - he did.

"Who are you and what've you done with the real Ross?" Finn wanted to know. "Because that was all very amicable. Not at all like you."

"Shut it, Finn."

"Usually when a girl blows you off you react very differently. Bullheaded. Almost neanderthal in fact - "

"That's one fun little hobby you've got there," Ross snapped. "What are you on?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing. Clearly you like this one a lot."

"Seriously, shut up," Ross warned him.

Finn smirked. "Am I hitting all the right spots? I think I am. So, c'mon, what's going on with you and her?"

"What d'you mean, what's going on? We're just mates."

"Mates?" Finn repeated with a chuckle. "When have you ever  been mates with a woman?"

"First time for everything," Ross murmured.

"Mmhmm. I'm thinking we need to further define your definition of," Finn raised his hands, two fingers extended and made imaginary air quotes, "'mates '. Because when a," he did it again, "'mate ' lets you down you don't normally have a face on you like a wet weekend."

Ross's loud sigh was one of irritation. "Would you put a sock in it?" He placed his pint down and copied his brother. "'Nerd '."

"If you ask me it's her loss," came a female voice.

It was Carly Hope, Bob's daughter. The blonde was at the bar holding a pint of beer. She'd been living in the village only about a month or so, but hadn't been shy in making it clear to Ross that she was interested. He smirked. Maybe this night wouldn't turn out to be a complete bust.

"Her loss is another woman's gain," he said. He pulled out the chair beside him and gave it a pat. "How about you join me instead?"

Carly shrugged and sat down, while Finn rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Think I'll go sit with Vic," he said getting to his feet.

When it came to women, his brother really was a dog.

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[Bleeding Love] COPYRIGHT. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Debra Jay 2015

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