That Time When... Ollie Confronted Ross

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Ollie was on a mission and she was determined to get some answers. She parked her Range Rover on Main Street and stalked up the path of Dale View cottage, knocking firmly on the front door. A few seconds later the door was flung open and Ross was greeting her with a wide grin.

"My favourite little posh girl," he said. "Making home visits now?"

"Are you alone?" she asked, expression flat.

"Why?" He bobbed a dark eyebrow. "What you planning on doing to me?"

"Oh, I know what I'd like to do."

"In that case you better come in." Ross grinned and swept out an arm, stepping back to allow her inside. He followed her into the living room admiring her curves along the way. The TV was on and he picked up the remote to turn it off. "Where've you been hiding anyway? Haven't seen you around in a few days."

"I've been busy," she replied. Truth of it was, after recent events, she hadn't wanted to be anywhere near him. She'd been ignoring his texts for days. But now, now was different - now she needed answers.

"Fair enough. So, Mizz. Stanford, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked throwing himself down on the sofa. "I'd offer you a drink but you've a habit of turning me down."

In no mood for his humour Ollie chose to ignore it. "I know it was you," she said without preamble.

"Me what?"

"Home Farm," she simply said. His dark eyes immediately latched onto hers and a less astute person might not have noticed his jaw tighten ever so slightly, but Ollie had. A flicker of something passed over his gaze as he surveyed her.

"Home Farm what?" he said feigning innocence.

"The robbery last weekend," she simply replied, wondering how long he was going to keep up the pretence.

It was like a Mexican standoff. Both of them just staring and waiting for the other to crack first. Surely if he was innocent of all charges he'd have said something by now? Ollie wanted him to be. She really did.

"Well?" she pressed, when it was clear he wasn't going to say anything. "What do you have to say?"

"That someone's got an overactive imagination. Been watching too many episodes of The Bill, have we?"

"You can't worm your way out of it, Ross. I saw your face just now."

"Dunno what you're talking about," he shrugged, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table and crossing his ankles.

"It was you. All I want to know is why."

"You seem to have it all worked out, Miss. Marple. So how about you tell me."

They continued to stare at one another. Neither budging. Ollie gave her head a slow shake. "I thought we were friends?"

"So did I. But friends don't waltz into your gaff and accuse you of robbery."

"Then talk to me, Ross. Tell me I'm wrong."

"No point. Looks like you've already made your mind up."

She moved towards the sofa. "I'm giving you five minutes to explain yourself and then - "

"And then what?" he cut in sharply.

"What do you think?"

He snickered and shook his head. "Whatever."

"Tell me why you robbed my sister's home - "

"What makes you so sure it was anything to do with me?"

"Your reaction when I asked just now."

Ross made a face. "What, so because I look at you slightly odd that means I'm guilty?" He mocked her with a smirk. "For it to stand up in court I think you're gonna need a little more than 'he had a weird look on his face, your honour'."

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