That Time When... They Turned A Corner

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Ollie walked into The Woolpack that Saturday evening and the first person she saw was Ross Barton, sitting at the far end of the bar staring down into the bottom of his empty pint glass looking like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Hello, love," Chas greeted her. "Gotta Prosecco with your name on it."

"Perfect, and whatever he's drinking," she said with a nod in Ross's direction.

Chas bobbed an eyebrow. "Now there's a turnaround."

"I think it's called progress," Ollie smiled.

Chas poured off the wine and pulled the pint which she placed in front of Ross who lifted his head and gave her a querying look.

"I didn't - "

"Compliments of the lady," she told him nodding at Ollie.

Ross followed her nod to the far end of the bar and returned the smile Ollie was sending his way. "You again. I can't be seen fraternizing with you."

Chas tutted at him. "Charming. She just bought you a pint." She turned to Ollie. "Which I can always dump over his head. Say the word."

Ollie smiled at her friend. "Hold that thought."

Ross just grinned and picked up the pint, raising it. "Cheers," he said to Ollie. "Why don't you come park yourself beside me?"

"There's an offer no girl can refuse. But should," Chas said with much sarcasm, before disappearing to serve another customer. Ollie grinned at her before joining Ross.

"So...what's with the drink?" he asked, as she made herself comfortable on the stool beside him. "Not that I'm not appreciative."

"You were looking rather glum when I came in. Thought you must've had another of those bad days."

Ross snorted at the gentle reminder of one of their past conversations. "Around here that's every day." He took a quick pull of the pint and sucked the foam from his top lip. "Now tell me the real reason."

"I thought it was time we buried the hatchet. This is a small village and it would seem we can't escape one another, my enemy and all that."

"Enemy's a bit harsh."

"Honesty's my only policy."

"I did offer to make it up to you."

"Yes," she said with a wistful sigh, "the trauma of turning down those pork scratchings still haunts me."

"Queen of sarcasm you, aren't you?"

"If you can't stand the heat and all that."

Already enjoying the conversation Ross smiled at the woman beside him. He couldn't remember the last time just talking to a woman had him so fired up. Scratch that, yeah he could.


He slammed the brakes on the memory before it even got hold and raked his gaze over Ollie. But this woman...well, she excited him and not just in the obvious way that a woman excited a bloke.

"C'mon then," he said, resting both arms on the bar top. "Let's get the clichés over and done with. What's a girl like you doing in a village like this?"

"I'm staying with my sister," she told him.

"I know that. I was wondering why."

She took a sip of her wine, meeting his eyes over the rim of the glass. "I need a reason?"

"Fair enough," he shrugged good-naturedly.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Got family here," he said. "So what is it you do? For a job, I mean."

Emmerdale : Bleeding Love (Ross Barton/OFC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now