That Time When... Ollie's Car Needed Fixing

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"Hand me that wrench and put a step on it, would you? I wanna be out of here before five," Aaron Livesy said to Ross. It had been a busy day at Dingle's garage, but as usual Aaron was doing most of the work.

Ross glared at him before reaching for the tool and slapping it into his palm. "Y'know, pretty sure Debbie put me in charge before she left this morning."

Aaron began working the wrench over a particularly tight bolt in the Land Rover engine. "I'm also 'pretty sure' she said to divide the work equally. So far, all you've done is text and drink coffee."

"That's what the boss gets to do."

"You're not the boss."

"Today I am."

Ross winked and Aaron only sighed. He wasn't in the mood for the bloke's banter today. To be fair he wasn't in the mood for his banter any day. Safe to say he and Ross were never going to be best mates, especially since he'd slept with his younger brother Finn, but at least they had reached an understanding in their working relationship.

A white Range Rover pulled up on the gravel and both men glanced over their shoulders. The door opened and a four-inch boot heel made contact with the stones as Ollie climbed out, slamming the door shut behind her. Ross let out a low whistle.

"Nice wheels," he commented.

Aaron slid him a sideways glance. "Try and be nice," he told him. "I know it's hard having just the one functioning brain cell, but do your best."

"Can't promise anything, mate," Ross smirked. "She brings the worst out in me." He wiped his hands on a rag, dumped it and sauntered over to Ollie; raking his gaze over her legs encased in the tight jeans. "And what can we do for you, gorgeous?"

Ollie bit back a sigh while resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Okay, so the village was relatively small but it would seem that everywhere she went - there he was. There was no getting away from him. Maybe he was a local after all. "There's something wrong with my car," she told him.

"Today's your lucky day because fixing cars just happens to be our specialty," he told her throwing his arms out wide. "What's up with it?"

"I don't know," she said dryly. "Hence why I'm here."

Ross smirked at her frosty tone. He got off on the fact that he rubbed her up the wrong way. He didn't know why and honestly he didn't care; it was fun winding her up. She didn't take any crap and he liked that, mainly because it had been a while since a woman had challenged him. Thoughts of Donna tried to creep into his head and he quickly shook them off before they took over. But this posh bird, well, she was proving a tough nut to crack. He was having fun trying though.

"In that case give us the keys and I'll take a look," he said holding out a hand.

"Actually, I think I'd prefer Aaron - "

"He's busy. Gonna be working on that motor all day. Ain't that right, mate?"

"If you want to me to take a look I can," Aaron told Ollie over his shoulder.

"Debbie left me in charge which means I get to decide who works on what," Ross reminded him, then turned back to Ollie, "and if you don't want me looking at your car then maybe go find another garage. Nearest one is in Hotten, I think. Although from the racket it was making when you pulled up, she might not make it."

Ollie stared at Ross, lips pursed. "Do you have some kind of deficiency?" She crossed her arms over her chest, car keys dangling from her finger. "Where it's just impossible for you to actually be nice to someone?"

He laughed. "You're the one acting all stroppy about me touching her car. What d'you think I'm gonna do, cut the brake pads?"

Aaron's head swung round. "For gods sake," he muttered and shoved by him. "Gimme the keys, Ollie. I'll take a look at it for you."

"Thank you, Aaron," she said handing them over. "I think Debbie needs to reassess who she leaves in charge of her business." She directed the comment towards Ross who just smirked at her. She turned back to Aaron. "You have my number?" she said.

Aaron nodded. "I'll give you a bell when it's done." After she'd gone he immediately turned on Ross. "What'd you say that for?"

Ross shrugged. "Told you, she brings out the worst in me."

"You can't go round saying stuff like that. Do you wanna put Debbie and Cain out of business?"

"Someone needs to put her in her place," Ross said watching as Ollie disappeared down Main Street and towards the café. "Walking around like she's Miss. flamin' High and Mighty. They're all the same those toff types. Stuck up b- "

"She's actually not. If you took the time to get to know her," Aaron told him. Chas, Aaron's mum, had become friends with Ollie since her arrival. Chas reckoned for all the younger woman's money and breeding she was the least stuck up person she had ever met; and surprisingly the two women had hit it off right away, soon discovering they had a lot in common. Especially when it came to their taste in both men and wine.

"I wouldn't mind getting to know her," Ross told Aaron with a sly wink.

"Yeah, well, don't hold your breath, mate. Coz with your attitude, that's never gonna happen." Aaron gave him two firm slaps on the back and then made his way over to Ollie's car.

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[Bleeding Love] COPYRIGHT. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Debra Jay 2015

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