That Time When... Ollie Propositioned Ross

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It was Friday, and the day before Chrissie and Robert's wedding.

Ollie had spent most of the morning mucking out the stables at Home Farm. Not that they had needed it, but it had been a welcome distraction from Chrissie's fussing. Only this time the fussing had nothing to do with Ross Barton.

All things wedding related had been organised and completed down to the last detail for weeks. But that hadn't stopped Chrissie from sweeping through the house like a hurricane all morning, throwing everyone into a tizzy. Although there was nothing left to do she insisted that the flowers weren't quite right or her dress was too tight or the table decorations didn't match.

The list was endless.

It didn't matter how many times Ollie told her everything was in perfect order, her sister still found something to fret about. Lachlan had left for school mumbling under his breath how he couldn't wait for this wedding to be over, while Lawrence made the wise decision to take himself and Bernice out for the day. Even Robert had made himself scarce, leaving long before Chrissie could rope him into trying on his suit for the tenth time; declaring he suddenly remembered a business meeting he'd forgotten about.

As Chrissie wasn't listening to anything Ollie had to say she decided it was best to leave her sister to her own devices. After finishing up at the stables and jumping in the shower, she had suggested a quiet drink at The Woolpack in the hope that Chrissie would relax for more than five minutes. But her sister declined her invitation and so Ollie went alone.

When she arrived at the pub the lunchtime rush had just ended, and while Marlon and Victoria were scurrying around clearing plates from tables, Chas was emptying and wiping down the drip trays on the bar top that was cluttered with glasses.

Ollie pulled out a stool and sat. "Need some help?" she offered.

"No, you just sit there and I'll get you a drink in a sec," said Chas as she wiped.

"No Diane?"

"Out for the day with Doug. Our Aaron's on a day off from the garage so he was meant to be helping out, but he suddenly remembered he was meeting a mate in Hotten," said Chas. One brow tilting upward. "No doubt the same one he's been spending a lot of time with recently."

"How convenient," Ollie said with a smile. "Seriously though, I don't mind lending a hand."

"I mind. You wouldn't think I had a big family, would you? Because whenever there's work to be done they all disappear like rats deserting a sinking ship." She gave her friend a grateful smile. "Thanks though, love, once Vic's done in the kitchen I'll get her out here." She dumped the rag and wiped her hands on a towel. "That'll do for now. Right, Prosecco?"

"Just an orange juice, thanks."

"I admire your willpower. If I was sitting where you are I'd be knocking back something thirteen percent proof." Chas began pouring a small bottle of fresh orange into a glass and added some ice. "On the house."

"Thanks. Other than staffing problems is everything okay?"

"Aside from that, and being grumpy and constantly tired, and never getting any time off from this place, I can't complain," Chas said in a fake cheery tone.

"But if you need to...?"

"Oh, don't mind me. You don't want to listen to me moaning on about my problems."

"Takes my mind off my own," said Ollie. She took a sip of her drink.

"I'm just having one of those days." Chas sighed. She planted one hand flat on the bar top. There was a brief pause, then she said, "There is something bothering me, though."

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