That Time When... The Walls Came Down

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Two weeks later.

Katie's funeral.

Ollie didn't speak to anyone at the church or at the graveside. Not even to Ross who stood by her side like a pillar of strength, holding her hand, as they watched Katie's coffin being lowered into the ground. He had to leave right after the service, the garage had a backlog of MOTs that needed doing and Cain was on the warpath. But at least she wouldn't be alone at the wake. Other than asking for a drink as soon as she arrived at the pub, Ollie didn't speak to anyone there, either.

Andy hadn't been in the right headspace to take on the task of organising Katie's farewell, so Chas and Diane stepped up and took care of everything. It made sense to hold the wake at The Woolpack. Throughout the day streams of people arrived to pay their respects. Everyone was invited to have a bite to eat and a few drinks in Katie's memory. By late afternoon the pub began to empty out, leaving just family and close friends.

Ollie hadn't moved from the end of the bar. She sat hugging a glass of wine, ignoring the comings and goings around her. Her mind elsewhere. Only yesterday she had heard back from Waterhouse International - her offer on the Connelton Road land had been accepted. The dream to build her own stables and open a riding school was becoming a reality. But the one person she was hoping to share it with her, was gone. Paddy and Rhona had offered their congratulations and she had thanked them. But when Paddy made a joke about knowing a good surgery should the school ever need one, Rhona knew Ollie was only being polite in smiling and quietly ushered him away.

Chrissie and Robert had long since left, taking Andy with them. Ollie had refused to leave with them. Home was the last place she wanted to be right now. But Chrissie was worried about her sister's drinking. Chas said she would keep an eye on her, agreeing to cut her off if necessary. Not that she had done a very good job so far. When she came through from the back room, someone had poured Ollie another large red wine and she was already halfway through it. So, as a last resort, Chas asked Finn to go find his brother. Ross was probably the only person Ollie would listen to.

When Ross arrived a few minutes later, Ollie had just knocked back the remainders of the wine and asked for another, so it was safe to say Chas was relieved to see him.

"What d'we have here then?" he said ashe stepped up beside Ollie. She looked at him over her shoulder and Finn hadn't been wrong - she was wasted. Her eyes were glassy and she could barely keep them focused on him. He felt his heart drop.

"Ross...made it." She picked up her empty glass. "Have...drink with me."

"Think you've had enough for the both of us, Drunky McSkunky," he replied. "C'mon, time to get you home."

"No...nope." She gave her head a firm shake and followed it up with a groan. The dull throbbing at the base of her skull was a surefire sign that the red wine headache was beginning to kick in. "Have drink...Ross, Chas, more...drink."

"No, love, Ross is right," said Chas gently. "You should go home. You've had more than enough."

"I'm not...haven't..." She gave up on whatever it was she was trying to say and blew a lock of hair back from her face. She could barely keep her head up.

Ross had never seen her this way before, and they'd had a few wild nights together. But this wasn't drinking to have a good time - this was drinking to forget. He and Chas exchanged worried glances.

"I was s'posed to be keeping an eye on her," she said. "But it's been so manic in here. Sorry."

"Not your fault," he assured her. He slipped an arm around Ollie's waist. "C'mon, you. Party's over."

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