That Time When... Ollie Was Offered A Job

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It was Tuesday and local vets and married couple, Rhona and Paddy Kirk had been rushed off their feet at the clinic. Ever since their partner, Vanessa Woodfield had taken some much needed time off it seemed there'd been more work than usual coming in.

"We need to think about hiring a locum," Rhona said with a yawn as Paddy locked up for the day.

"What about that bloke we had last year? Tim...something or other."

"The guy who kept dropping the rabbits? God, no, Paddy."

"Well, in his defence he did have very small hands."

Rhona smiled and linked her arm through his as they walked down the path. "We need someone who can handle the bigger jobs. I've had to turn away two prospective clients because neither of us are that well versed in equine medicine."

"I say we give Tim another try. It's kind of difficult to pick a horse up let alone drop one."

Rhona gave him another smile. "Someone's on top form today," she teased.

"I'm here all week," Paddy chuckled.

"I'm not calling Tim. He was...weird. Seriously, though, turning away clients isn't good for business." She paused. "Maybe we should ask Katie if she knows of anyone?"

"For anything horse related Katie's your girl."

"I'll give her a call later on. What do you fancy for tea?"

"I'm too tired to even think about eating."

"Someone call the Hotten Courier - Paddy Kirk not hungry."

"Haha, very funny," he said good-naturedly. "Could murder a swift half before home though."

"Yeah, come on then," agreed Rhona. "But not too long, I have to collect Leo from the childminder."

* * * * *

Inside The Woolpack Ollie and Chrissie were having a quiet bite to eat. Quiet being the operative word. Ollie had barely spoken two words in the last fifteen minutes and it hadn't gone unnoticed by her sister.

"Maybe I should make you an appointment with an ENT specialist," said Chrissie as she picked up her glass of red wine and took a sip.

Ollie looked up from her food. "What's that?"

"Oh, okay. Maybe not." Chrissie put the glass down and smiled. "I'm not used to you being so quiet. I usually can't shut you up."

"Sorry," Ollie sighed and gave her a muted smile. "Just a few things on my mind."

"Anything you want to talk about?"

Ollie shook her head. No, it was definitely not something she wanted to talk about. Least of all with her sister. No, the person she needed to talk with - was Ross.

"Is it because of what happened last weekend?" Chrissie prodded gently. "The robbery?"

Ollie stiffened a little and met her sister's knowing gaze. She let go of a sigh. Yes, she was that transparent. Then again Chrissie had always been able to gauge her sister's moods. 

"It was all rather unsettling, wasn't it?" Chrissie added. "Finding strangers in our home."

Ollie shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Only they hadn't been strangers. She'd had a feeling that day and it had remained with her ever since. "Lawrence," she said and Chrissie immediately saw the distress in her sister's eyes.

"Hey," she said reaching for her hand. "Come on, don't do that. Dad's okay. He's made of strong stuff. I often used to joke with him that if ever there were another World War he'd survive along with the cockroaches."

Ollie smiled a little at the joke. "I just keep thinking if something had happened to him. I don't think I could cope with losing anymore people I care about."

"I know." Chrissie gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "But he's fine. There was no serious harm done to his heart. He was cold and more shaken up than anything else." She sighed and shook away the memory of her father, pale and tied up, on the damp, out building floor. "Besides, the police are handling it now. Hopefully they'll catch the perpetrators." She patted her sister's hand. "Now, come on, eat up. You've barely touched your food."

At the bar, after ordering their drinks, Paddy gave his wife a nudge. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I highly doubt it," Rhona replied.

Paddy nodded over towards Chrissie and Ollie. "Didn't Chrissie say something about her sister being a vet?"

Rhona glanced at the two women and turned back with a nod. "I think so," she said. "Can't remember what her area of expertise was though."

"She's a toff," Paddy said, picking up his pint. "It'll be horses. It's always horses."

Rhona tutted and bonked him on the arm. "Paddy. Don't be rude. Do you think she would help us out?"

"Only one way to find out. Go ask her."

It was Chrissie who looked up as Rhona approached the table. She smiled. "Hello, Rhona."

"Hi, Chrissie," Rhona smiled back. "I'm sorry to bother you while you're eating, but I wondered if I could have a word with you, Ollie? If it's no trouble?"

Ollie nodded, wiping her mouth on a napkin. "It's no trouble. What can I help you with?"

"Well, hopefully you can help me with my staff problem. I heard on the grapevine that you're a vet?"

"I certainly am. Equine."

"Really?" Rhona said eyes widening a little. "Oh, that's perfect. I'll apologise in advance for my bluntness, but you seem really young..."

"She gets that a lot," Chrissie interjected.

"I graduated last year," Ollie told Rhona.

"Youngest in her class," Chrissie added showering her sister with a proud smile.

"That's impressive," Rhona agreed. "The thing is, I don't know if you know but our partner, Vanessa, she needed to take some time off and we're snowed under at the surgery and we really need an equine vet on board," she explained. "I wondered if you might be interested in some work? Maybe two or three days a week?"

Ollie didn't even need to think about it. "I'd love to," she replied right away. "It's been a while since I had any kind of dirt beneath my fingernails. When do you want me to start?"

"Next time we need an equine vet," Rhona smiled at her enthusiasm. "It'd be strictly 'as and when' needed though."

"Not a problem. I'm happy to help out."

Rhona all but sighed in relief. "Oh, that's brilliant, Ollie. Thank you so much." She touched the young woman on the shoulder. "Would you be able to provide a copy of your license? So we can pin it up on the board in the office. It keeps everyone right."

Ollie nodded. "Of course. I'll drop it off first thing tomorrow."

"You really are a lifesaver," smiled Rhona. "I'll let you get back to your meal. See you tomorrow."

After Rhona had left Chrissie turned to her sister with a knowing smile. "Well, so much for 'I'm only staying a few weeks'," she said.

"It's not permanent," Ollie replied. "And I'm only helping out."

Chrissie picked up her wine and smiled. "I don't care," she said. "The longer you stick around the better. Even if it is for all the wrong reasons."


"Oh, I think you know," Chrissie replied taking a sip of wine.

Ollie sighed and shook her head. She knew exactly what her sister was getting at. But her decision to stay longer had nothing to do with Ross Barton. Especially after recent events.

* * * * * * * * * *

[Bleeding Love] COPYRIGHT. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Debra Jay 2015

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