That Time When... About You & Me

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A little after six thirty that night Ollie pulled her Range Rover to a stop outside of Dale View. She toyed with the idea of just beeping the horn but decided against it. Walking up the path she knocked once on the door and waited. Smiling to herself when, from inside the house, she heard Ross's loud voice, "Oh my God, Prom is gonna be so amazing!"

He was such an idiot. But he was her idiot.

The butterflies had been tickling at her belly all afternoon and right now they were doubling up. It was odd she should feel nervous about tonight. Considering the amount of times they had spent an evening out together. But then the door was flung open and she didn't get a chance to think on it anymore. Ross greeted her with a wide grin right before his jaw almost hit the floor.

He was trying really hard not to stare but the little black dress and sky high heels were sexy as hell. Her long hair was softly curled at the ends and draped over one shoulder, and as his eyes raked over her, appreciating the swell of her breasts and the tantalizing bare skin of her legs, he was reminded of how amazing they had felt wrapped around his waist. Just looking at her made his mouth water. Not to mention what it did to another part of his body.

Ollie watched his dark eyes drop and linger in all the usual places men liked to linger. He managed to finally drag himself away from her curves to meet her amused stare. She tilted a brow and he smirked.

"Wow," he said. Granted, it wasn't very original, but considering his brain was close to being fried it was the best he could come up with. She briefly lowered her eyes and smiled.

"Thank you. Are you ready?" she asked. He was still staring. Like she was the first woman he'd ever seen in a dress.

"Uh, yeah. Ready." He snapped out of his trance and closed the door behind him. As he followed her up the path, his eyes coasting over her shapely behind, he smirked to himself. Tonight was already off to a great start. When she made her way around to the driver's side of her car, he tutted loudly and threw out an arm. "C'mon, at least let me drive," he said. "I know you're multi-talented and everything, but seriously, in those heels?"

"You don't know where we're going."

"So tell me."

"Westwick Hall," she said. He gave her a blank look and then grinned.

"Is that anywhere near Nando's in Leeds?"

"That's what I thought. It makes sense for me to drive, Ross. Not drinking remember?" she said. The thought was there, though. But then so was yesterday's hangover. So far she was doing a good job of managing both, and tomorrow she would attend her first AA meeting in months.

"Yeah, but my masculinity's taking a right beating," he complained. "I can't have you picking me up and driving. I've a rep to protect."

She rolled her eyes at him over the bonnet. "Oh my God, fine. If it stops you sulking." She dropped the keys into the palm of his hand. "Be gentle with her."

"I'll treat her so nice she'll be begging for more," he said with a wink. He ducked in front of her to open the passenger door and swept out his arm. "M'Lady."

"Why, thank you," she said. Taking his hand she climbed in and once settled, input the location information into the cars GPS. What normally would take a thirty minute journey took Ross less than twenty. He pulled into the car park of Westwick Hall and turned off the ignition.

"You sure this is the right place?" he asked peering up at the old listed building in front of them.

"It better be. They took my credit card information for the booking," she said jokingly.

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