Chapter 17

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Ugh... I don't want to start doing my homework... -.- My missing textbook comes tomorrow; then I won't have any excuse to not start. Sigh. Oh well, they're cool classes; it could be a lot worse. Anyways, I have a Waglington chapter for y'all today. :) Hope y'all enjoy!

*Waglington's POV*

Oh, this is very bad. How am I going to get help if they don't understand a word I say? I fretted while pacing back and forth on the balcony of Tom's tree house. Even Dianite didn't recognize me. Why couldn't he hear me, and what did he mean by unstable magic? I kept trying to figure out what I could have done differently to let Tom and Dianite know I was more than just a big cat, but I was so flustered from nearly getting killed by Tom's new dog that I couldn't think straight. My heart was still beating at a rate I knew couldn't be healthy, and I was shaking from the adrenaline working its way out of my system. That dog was quite rude. When I get back to being me, I'm going to mute that mongrel. Oh, apparently as an upside to being a cat, I can understand what other animals said, and Doughnut 2.0 had language more colorful than the disco room Tucker was building.

Reaching one end of the balcony for the fiftieth time, I forced myself to stop and sit still. I took a few deep breaths to try and clam down. Looking over the edge of the balcony, I thought, All the planning in the world won't do me any good if I can't get down from here to try and reach one of the others. Tom had shut the portal down behind me. Since he'd never finished the staircase down (we could all fly, so who would take the stairs?), I was well and stuck 100 feet up Tom's tree.

A whooshing sound broke me from my despondent reverie. My ears swiveled trying to pinpoint its source as it grew louder. It sounded familiar from somewhere. I spotted a grey figure in the darkness flying on a course that would bring it past my perch. As it sped closer, I recognized the outline of blood mage armor.

"Tucker!" I yelled. Wait, what am I doing? He's can't understand what I'm saying anyways. To my surprise, he stalled by the balcony and turned to face me. All I could see of his face were his eyes showing above his helmet's visor. I couldn't make out his expression. As he moved towards me, I noticed he had his bound sword in hand. Tucker has a habit of killing random creatures to get blood shards. This was a bad idea, I thought as I started to back up and panic again.

As I turned to run back into the tree, I heard another whoosh behind me as Tucker used his air sigil to reach me in a fraction of a second. Expecting to feel the bite of his blade, I flinched. Instead, I felt myself being picked up by a firm, gloved grip on my scruff. I heard the sound of a sword sliding into its sheath before another arm slid under my chest to help support my weight.

"Easy there, kitty. I don't know how you got out of Sonja's place or got stuck up here, but I'm taking you back." Tucker said as he took to the air again with me in tow.

I closed my eyes and tried to calm enough to slow my still panicked heart rate as he carried me inside Sonja's house and down the stairs. Upon reaching her basement level, Tucker finally set me down and released his hold on my scruff before walking over to Sonja. As all four of my paws fit the floor, I nearly collapsed. All of the adrenaline I'd been running on for the past few hours was gone. I was exhausted. I sat down before I could lose my balance and waited to see what my fate would be.

I lost track of what they were actually saying as I tried to stay awake-the effort proved futile-until I heard and felt footsteps approaching me. My head had slowly drifted down and my eyes had nearly closed while they were talking, but my eyes popped open again as the person stopped in front of me. Raising my head slightly, I saw Sonja kneel in her full set of armor and examine me. She reached forward with her left hand-which was encased in her earth armor-and raised my chin even more so she could see my eyes.

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