Chapter 69

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The song of the day is "Ordinary World" by Red. I have to admit I have trouble focusing on the lyrics with this surprisingly appropriate music video. I'll put a lyric video at the end of the chapter, because the lyrics were pretty spot on too. :)

I went back and added in Wag's Amniosis chapter that the communicators were not working for reasons unknown. I know I added it after some of you had read it. So here's your heads up. :) They mention it in this chapter, and I didn't want y'all confused. Most of this chapter's dialogue is based heavily on CaptainSparklez's S2 Ep. 108.

I did the thing where I had to split a chapter again, again. I don't know why I thought chapters 68-70 would all fit in one when I started writing Wag's POV. *shakes head at my own silliness* Anyways, you can likely guess where this chapter is headed by the song. :) Enjoy! Oh, and Happy 2 year anniversary of Mianite! :D

Warnings: Nothing major, though there are some residual feels from last chapter

*Waglington's POV*

Tucker and Sonja wouldn't go into any details about their experience in the maze. Sonja had cuts and bruises on the knuckles of her right hand, and Tucker seemed just a bit out of it and was staring at his hand as he opened and closed it repeatedly. All we got out of them was that Tucker sucked at parkour, and we already knew that.

My friends agreed that this dungeon looked exactly like the place they had been locked in when they first arrived in Ruxomar. What exactly did they do to get locked up? I wondered. By the time they finished exploring the confined space, I was feeling a bit better. My magic was non-existent for all practical purposes, but I felt up to tackling the next part of the crypt as long as there wasn't much running involved. At least we'd all be together this time. Safety in numbers, right?

Our happy reunion was interrupted by the entrance of the prison exploding violently, sending the metal door flying down the stairs and us diving for cover. Thankfully, Tom's blanket was the only casualty. My best guess was that all of us completing the maze had triggered something. Why it had waited this long to activate was beyond me. "It's just like when we broke Steve out..." Tom said, slightly mesmerized by the flames as he poked his head out from behind his statue.

We crept up the stairs, unsure if we would need to duck and cover again. Outside the prison stood...Dagrun, Dagrun before Ianite struck it with Taint or it was abandoned, before it had been rebuilt by families moving back to town or the volcano had erupted. Wow, a lot's happened to that town in the last year. I would have thought we'd gone back in time if not for the ceiling of netherack and bedrock high overhead. Large, abnormally bright clusters of glowstone hung from the ceiling to light the town. We were definitely still in the crypt, but why was all of this here?

The castle towered above the prison as it had when we'd first arrived in this world. Jordan walked up the stairs to check the palace while we looked around the abandoned courtyard. Everything looked right at first glance, but on closer inspection, small things were wrong. Vines that had been climbing the wall were gone, and there were lilacs growing in the flower beds and blossom heavy vitex and althea shading the walkways. Helgrind hated anything that reminded him of his mother; there wasn't a scrap of purple in the town we had all known. The others picked up on the strangeness too.

"The doors are locked," Jordan called as he came back down the stairs. "The lock looks funny too. It's made out of dreamwood."

"Sounds like another puzzle," Tucker said. "I bet if we look around town, we'll find what we need." Now that there was a problem to solve, Tucker seemed much more himself. I was pretty sure we all needed the distraction at this point.

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